Only in web Dog Food Chunks with Chicken
Dog Food

Dog Food Chunks with Chicken, 820g

Tasty chunks of organic chicken, supplemented with certified organic nettle and tomato. This organic wet food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your dog. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable proteins. So your dog gets exactly...
Price for customer: €7.89
Only in web Grain Free Dog Food Paté in 3 Tastes
Dog Food

Grain Free Dog Food Paté in 3 Tastes, 6x150g

A varied menu for your dog with three different flavours of grain-free paté. Suitable for all adult and senior dogs. This organic wet food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your dog. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable...
Price for customer: €13.20
Only in web Grain Free Cat Food Paté in 3 Tastes
Out of stock
Cat Food

Grain Free Cat Food Paté in 3 Tastes, 8x100g

A varied menu for your cat, with three different flavours of grain-free paté. Suitable for all adult and senior cats. This organic wet food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your cat. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable...
Price for customer: €13.58
Kleeps vegan
Marseille Soap
Stain Removers

Marseille Soap, 300g

Greenatural Marseille vegetable soap without added perfumes, with Coconut Oil and Olive Oil, is produced and processed by hand in wooden containers in the open air and at low temperatures; it is ideal for personal hygiene and, thanks to its composition, it is suitable for all skin types. It can be used as a soap for hand washing and for clothes. Rubbed...
Price for customer: €5.23
Kleeps vegan
Marseille Soap with Aloe Vera
Stain Removers

Marseille Soap with Aloe Vera, 300g

Greenatural coconut and olive oil based Marseille vegetable soap with aloe vera, is produced and processed by hand in wooden containers in the open air and at low temperatures; it is ideal for personal hygiene and, thanks to its composition, it is suitable for all skin types. It can be used as a soap for hand washing and for clothes. Rubbed pure on stains...
Price for customer: €6.93
Laundry Dosing Ball

Laundry Dosing Ball

The dosing ball allows you to easily dose exactly the right amount of detergent for washing clothes. The container is made of transparent plastic and has a capacity of 150ml (marking every 30ml). Suitable for both liquid detergent and powder and up to 90°C heat. To use, fill the ball to the required level and place in the machine on top of the clothes to...
Price for customer: €1.99
Dishwash Brush
Cleaning Sponges & Accessories

Dishwash Brush

Dish brush with wooden handle. Do you wash your dishes by hand or do you pre-wash them before putting them in the dishwasher? You will quickly fall in love with the ingenious and functional shape of our dish brush. It's the perfect companion for scrubbing dishes, pans and utensils. Made in PRC.
Price for customer: €5.23
Limescale Remover
  • New

Limescale Remover, 500ml

Harness the power of plant and mineral-based active ingredients to rid your bathroom of this crusty customer. Ecover Limescale Remover’s clever foaming action sticks to surfaces, so there’s nowhere for limescale to cling to. Not even vertical shower screens. Citrus fresh. No eye-watering chemicals in sight.
Price for customer: €9.03
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