Cibo e bevande

Kleeps vegan
Mix di falafel senza glutine con patate dolci
  • Nuovo
Preparati per pane e pizza

Mix di falafel senza glutine con patate dolci, 160g

3,20 €
Ingredienti: macinato di ceci* 39%, farina di riso*, fiocchi di riso*, pezzi di patata dolce* 8%, sale grosso, paprica in polvere*, aglio in polvere*, coriandolo*, curcuma*, cumino*, fieno greco*, chiodi di garofano*, peperoncino in polvere*, zenzero*. *da agricoltura biologica controllata Può contenere tracce di noci, lupino, sesamo, senape, sedano e soia.
Price for customer: 3,04 €
Kleeps vegan
Sale marino celtico "La Fleur de Sel"
  • Nuovo

Sale marino celtico "La Fleur de Sel", 125g

Mattisson Healthstyle
13,45 €
Il fleur de sel è lo strato superiore, molto sottile, dei bacini in cui viene estratto anche il sale marino celtico grosso. Il sale Fleur de sel non è entrato in contatto con il terreno argilloso ed è quindi di colore molto più bianco rispetto al sale marino celtico grosso. Il Fleur de sel, come il sale marino celtico grosso, è ricco di minerali. Inoltre,...
Price for customer: 12,78 €
Kleeps vegan
Sale marino celtico con alghe
  • Nuovo

Sale marino celtico con alghe, 200g

Mattisson Healthstyle
14,70 €
Tra tutti i sali disponibili, il sale celtico ha il più basso contenuto di sodio, pari all'89,7%. Questo rende il sale celtico più morbido e amichevole rispetto agli altri sali. Il sale marino celtico è ricco di minerali perché si mescola con diversi minerali argillosi. Le paludi di argilla garantiscono una purificazione naturale del sale. Il sale non ha...
Price for customer: 13,97 €
Kleeps vegan
Sale marino celtico, grosso
  • Nuovo

Sale marino celtico, grosso, 400g

Mattisson Healthstyle
6,90 €
Il sale marino celtico ha un colore grigio perché il sale marino si mescola con vari minerali argillosi. Il sale marino celtico è quindi più ricco di minerali rispetto ad altre forme di sale. Poiché il sale non viene lavato, tutti i minerali vengono conservati. Le paludi di argilla garantiscono inoltre che il sale marino celtico sia naturalmente...
Price for customer: 6,55 €
Kleeps vegan
Panna da montare al cocco
  • Nuovo
Creme da cucina

Panna da montare al cocco, 400ml

Dragon Superfoods
6,60 €
La panna da montare al cocco è un'alternativa senza latticini alla classica panna da montare. Questo prodotto ha un aroma di cocco e un gusto leggermente dolce. Una volta aperto, conservare in frigorifero e utilizzare entro 3 giorni. Ingredients: latte di cocco* (91%), acqua, gomma di guar* (E412). *da agricoltura biologica Uso consigliato: Per una panna...
Price for customer: 6,27 €
Kleeps vegan
Gallette di riso integrale senza glutine con 7 super semi
  • Nuovo
Gallette e biscotti

Gallette di riso integrale senza glutine con 7 super semi, 120g

2,20 €
Scoprite le nostre gallette di riso con riso integrale, fonte di manganese, selenio, fosforo, rame, magnesio e niacina. Ingredienti: riso integrale* 93%, amaranto* 2%, grano saraceno 1%, semi di canapa decorticati* 1%, semi di chia (Salvia hispanica)* 0,5%, quinoa* 0,5%, miglio* 0,5%, semi di lino* 0,5%, sale marino. *da agricoltura biologica
Price for customer: 2,09 €
Kleeps vegan
Gallette di riso integrale senza glutine con sale himalayano
  • Nuovo
Gallette e biscotti

Gallette di riso integrale senza glutine con sale himalayano, 120g

2,20 €
Cosa c'è di più Bett'r di uno snack nutriente a valore aggiunto con riso integrale, riso nero imperiale e riso rosso? Scoprite le nostre gallette di riso con riso integrale, fonte di manganese, selenio, fosforo, rame, magnesio e niacina. Ingredienti: riso integrale* 95%, riso nero imperiale* 3,5%, riso rosso* 0,5%, sale dell'Himalaya 1%. *da agricoltura...
Price for customer: 2,09 €
Kleeps vegan
Polvere di carruba
  • Nuovo
Prodotti al cacao

Polvere di carruba, 200g

Dragon Superfoods
4,20 €
La polvere di carruba Dragon Superfoods si ottiene dai baccelli essiccati e tostati del carrubo. Questi baccelli sono naturalmente dolci e ricchi di fibre. La polvere di carruba viene spesso utilizzata come alternativa al cacao, priva di caffeina, in varie bevande e dessert. Basta aggiungerne qualche cucchiaio alla vostra ricetta preferita di torta,...
Price for customer: 3,99 €
Kleeps vegan
Popcorn, caramello salato
  • Nuovo
Chips, merendina, popcorn

Popcorn, caramello salato, 60g

2,60 €
Popcorn salati senza sensi di colpa, grazie all'olio di cocco biologico. Ingredienti: mais* 82%, olio di cocco* 16%, sale marino 2%. *da agricoltura biologica
Price for customer: 2,47 €
Kleeps vegan
  • Nuovo

Dark Chocolate with Salt Crystals, 100g

4,85 €
Ingredients: cocoa mass°*, whole cane sugar°*, cocoa butter°*, cocoa powder°*, salt (Fleur de Sel) 0,5%. Cocoa: at least 70%. °Fair Trade *from controlled organic farming May contain traces of nuts, milk and gluten.
Price for customer: 4,61 €
Kleeps vegan
  • Nuovo

Dark Chocolate with Cookies, 45g

1,95 €
Ingredients: cocoa mass°*, raw cane sugar°*, cocoa butter°*, shortbread* 12% (wheat flour*, raw cane sugar*, sunflower oil*, sugar beet syrup*, sea salt), Bourbon vanilla extract°*. Cocoa: at least 61%. °Fair Trade *from controlled organic farming May contain traces of milk and nuts.
Price for customer: 1,85 €
Kleeps vegan
Bevanda di ceci, senza glutine
  • Nuovo
Latte e panna vegetali

Bevanda di ceci, senza glutine, 1l

The Bridge
2,95 €
Ingredienti: acqua di sorgente, ceci* 12%, sale marino. *da agricoltura biologica Agitare bene prima dell'uso. Dopo l'apertura, conservare in frigorifero e utilizzare entro 4-5 giorni.
Price for customer: 2,80 €
Kleeps vegan
Muesli e prima colazione

Gluten Free Cereal Balls with Cinnamon, 275g

8,50 €
Ingredients: gluten free oat flour* 51%, corn flour*, beet sugar*, rock salt, cinnamon* 0,4%. *from certified organic farming May contain traces of soy, nuts, sesame, milk, mustard and lupine.
Price for customer: 8,07 €
Kleeps vegan
Muesli e prima colazione

Gluten Free Cereal Flakes with Cocoa, 225g

7,90 €
Ingredients: gluten free oat flour* 73%, beet sugar*, cocoa powder* 6%, powdered sugar made from beet sugar*, rock salt. *from certified organic farming May contain traces of soy, nuts, mustard, sesame and lupine.
Price for customer: 7,50 €
Kleeps vegan

Energy Smoothie Powder, 200g

Dragon Superfoods
11,50 €
Dragon Superfoods Energy Smoothie is a great blend of three superfoods – maca root, cacao and hemp protein, nutrition mix which supports the vitality of the body. Energy Mix powder is easy to store and use. You will experience the typical cacao taste and aroma, nutty hemp protein flavour and a hint of the mild maca. Ingredients: hemp protein powder* 50%,...
Price for customer: 10,92 €
Kleeps vegan

Red Maca Powder, 100g

Dragon Superfoods
7,90 €
Red Maca is the second rarest of all varieties of Maca. It has a milder taste and the same benefits as the classical maca root. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is an ancient Peruvian superfood that grows in the high plateaus of the Andes mountains at altitudes of over 3600 meters. In traditional Peruvian culture, Maca is believed to be an aphrodisiac. Red Maca is...
Price for customer: 7,50 €
Kleeps vegan
Sale e dadi da brodo

Himalayan Black Salt, Fine, 250g

Dragon Superfoods
3,50 €
Himalayan black salt is a natural rock salt extracted by hand from salt rocks in the foothills of the Himalayas. They have formed over millions of years from ocean salt deposits pushed to the surface by the movement of the earth’s crust and hot magma. Himalayan salt contains over 95% sodium chloride and several important minerals for the human body in...
Price for customer: 3,33 €
Kleeps vegan
Sale e dadi da brodo

Himalayan Black Salt, Coarse, 250g

Dragon Superfoods
3,50 €
Black Himalayan salt is a natural rock salt extracted by hand from salt rocks in the foothills of the Himalayas. They have formed over millions of years from ocean salt deposits pushed to the surface by the movement of the earth’s crust and hot magma. Himalayan salt contains over 95% sodium chloride and several important minerals for the human body in...
Price for customer: 3,33 €
Kleeps vegan
Non disponibile
Bacche e frutti

Sultana Raisins, 200g

Smart Organic
3,10 €
Sultana raisins are dried grapes. They are sweet and chewy. Raisins can contain up to 72% sugars by weight, most of which is fructose and glucose. Raisins are also high in certain antioxidants but have a lower vitamin C content than fresh grapes. You can eat them as a snack, in smoothies, or as a natural sweetener in various dishes and desserts. It’s...
Price for customer: 2,95 €
Kleeps vegan
Zuccheri e sostituti

Maple Syrup Amber, 250ml

Smart Organic
12,10 €
Amber Maple Syrup, grade A will make every pancake perfect! You can use it in any meal where you add sweetener usually. Store in the refrigerator after opening. Pure maple syrup is a 100% natural food, processed by heat concentration of pure maple sap. This sap is a sterile, clear liquid, which provides the trees with water and nutrients before the buds...
Price for customer: 11,49 €
Kleeps vegan
Creme ai semi oleosi

Whole Sesame Tahini, 250g

6,90 €
Bett’r organic tahini is made exclusively from perfectly roasted sesame seeds. With a super fine and creamy texture and no added fat, it is ideal for garnishing salads, desserts and smoothies. Sesame tahini can be combined with both salty and sweet foods. Some of the most common salty combinations are lemon, mint, chickpeas. The sweet ones are with honey,...
Price for customer: 6,55 €
Kleeps vegan
Creme ai semi oleosi

Peanut Butter, 250g

5,50 €
We all love nut butters! But how many times you have come to the impossible task to stir a super hard and stiff nut butter? We have solution for you! Bett`r Butters are so smooth and fine so you can enjoy them only with a spoon. You can spread this delicious and super fine peanut butter on a slice of bread and enjoy the irresistible taste, or you can have...
Price for customer: 5,23 €
Kleeps vegan
Chips, merendina, popcorn

Popcorn, Salted, 60g

2,60 €
Salted popcorn with totally guilt-free popping – all thanks to organic coconut oil. Ingredients: corn* 82%, coconut oil* 16%, sea salt 2%. *from organic farming
Price for customer: 2,47 €
Kleeps vegan
  • -20%
Chips, merendina, popcorn

Cheesy Kale Chips, 30g

3,76 € 4,70 €
Hand-made from organic kale, grown at Plamen & Betty’s family farm in Bulgaria. "Our kale garden is our green piece of heaven", says young farmer Betty. She and her partner Plamen are growing organic kale in the small Bulgarian town of Hissar. The couple picks the fresh leaves and mixes them with carefully selected seasonings, energizing nuts and...
Kleeps vegan
  • -30%

"Par Vegan" Cashew Based Mix, 150g

5,32 € 7,60 €
Par Vegan is ready-to -eat cashew-based mix with a cheezy taste. Make your salad, pasta, soup or any other dish tastier and more nutritious by sprinkling the desired quantity of it on the top. Ingredients: cashew*, nutritional yeast* (yeast*, wheat flour* (contains gluten), sea salt), french sea salt. *from organic farming May contain traces of soy,...
Kleeps vegan
Altri materia secca

Instant Hummus Mix, 200g

3,95 €
Instant hummus mix, ready in 1 minutes. Ingredients: roasted chickpea flour*, sesame seed flour*, salt, garlic powder*, cumin powder*. *from organic farming May contain traces of peanuts, other nuts and sulphites. Preparation: to prepare a single serving, you need 50g hummus mix (5 rounded tablespoons), 60-65ml water and 20-25ml olive oil (or to taste)....
Price for customer: 3,75 €
Kleeps vegan

Chocolate Covered Almonds, 40g

1,95 €
Organic chocolate covered almonds. Delightful chocolate adventures for all snack lovers. Ingredients: chocolate cover* 65% (cacao mass*, cacao butter*, coconut sugar*, coconut cream*, sunflower lecithin*), almonds* 34%, salt. *from organic farming May contain traces of sesame seeds and other nuts.
Price for customer: 1,85 €
Kleeps vegan

Pralines with Peanut Butter Filling, 3x13g

2,95 €
Organic pralines with peanut butter filling. Ingredients: roasted peanuts* 32%, coconut sugar*, cacao mass*,cacao butter*, coconut cream*, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin*, salt. Cocoa solids in chocolate 52% minimum. *from organic farming May contain traces of sesame seeds and nuts.
Price for customer: 2,80 €
Kleeps vegan

Pralines with Hazelnut Butter Filling, 3x13g

2,95 €
Organic pralines with hazelnut butter filling. Ingredients: roasted hazelnuts* 32%, coconut sugar*, cacao mass*,cacao butter*, coconut cream*, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin*, salt. Cocoa solids in chocolate 52% minimum. *from organic farming May contain traces of peanuts, sesame seeds and other nuts.
Price for customer: 2,80 €
Kleeps vegan
  • -20%
Gallette e biscotti

Hazelnut Cacao Cream Filled Wafer, 30g

1,24 € 1,55 €
Organic hazelnut cacao cream-filled wafer. Ingredients: coconut sugar* 26%, whole grain einkorn flour* (contains gluten), coconut oil*, coconut flour*, hazelnuts* 10%, cocoa powder* 8%, sunflower oil*, emulsifier: sunflower lecithin*, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate, salt. *from organic farming May contain traces of milk, peanuts, soy and other nuts.
Kleeps vegan

Chocolate Covered Almond Bar, 30g

1,75 €
Organic almond bar covered with chocolate glaze. Ingredients: roasted almonds* 33%, rice syrup*, chocolate* 18% (cacao mass*, coconut sugar*, coconut cream*, cacao butter*, sunflower lecithin*), coconut flour*, cacao butter*. *from organic farming May contain traces of fruit pits, nut shells, sesame seeds, peanuts and other nuts.
Price for customer: 1,66 €
Kleeps vegan

Chocolate Covered Hazelnut Bar, 30g

1,75 €
Organic hazelnut bar covered with chocolate glaze. Ingredients: roasted hazelnuts* 33%, rice syrup*, chocolate* 18% (cacao mass*, coconut sugar*, coconut cream*, cacao butter*, sunflower lecithin*), coconut flour*, cacao butter*. *from organic farming May contain traces of fruit pits, nut shells, sesame seeds, peanuts and other nuts.
Price for customer: 1,66 €
Kleeps vegan
Tisane alle piante e alle erbe

Sahara Green Tea, 20x1,4g

Artemís Bio
5,05 €
The box contains 20 tea bags made from compostable vegetable cellophane. Ingredients: spearmint*, green tea* (35%), peppermint*, cardamom*. *organic farming Preparation: Put a bag in a cup, add boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes. Made in Spain.
Price for customer: 4,80 €
Kleeps vegan

Almond Flour, 500g

16,90 €
Organic blanched almond meal. This sweet, nutty, friendly food is often used for gluten-free baking and so much more, being both sweet and savoury. It is made from the highest quality blanched whole almonds and then by grinding the almonds finely into flour. May contain peanuts, other nuts and natural parts of fruits and nuts. Origin: Portugal Packed in...
Price for customer: 16,06 €
Kleeps vegan
Solo online

Ivan-Chai "Fairy Tale", 20g

Liiwi Meistrid
12,75 €
Fermented rosebay willowherb tea - fairy tale. Ivan-Chai is handcrafted rosebay willowherb tea that has been produced following old traditions and records from ancient healers. The leaves have been carefully selected and collected from pure natural environment. Ingredients: rosebay willowherb leaves 80%, rosebay willowherb blossom 10%, calendula 10%.
Price for customer: 12,11 €
Kleeps vegan
Solo online

Ivan-Chai "Fantasy", 20g

Liiwi Meistrid
6,00 €
Fermented rosebay willowherb tea - fantasy. Ivan-Chai is handcrafted rosebay willowherb tea that has been produced following old traditions and records from ancient healers. The leaves have been carefully selected and collected from pure natural environment. Ingredients: rosebay willowherb leaves 50%, inflorescences of the rosebay willowherb 40%, rosebay...
Price for customer: 5,70 €
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