Farine, pasta e legumi

Ingredients ecologici, prodotti biologicamente e naturalmente, sono un'ottima scelta per chi desidera mangiare sano e in modo ecologico. Questi prodotti sono coltivati e lavorati senza l'uso di sostanze chimiche sintetiche e pesticidi, offrendo più nutrienti e un sapore migliore.

Gli ingredienti secchi senza glutine, d'altra parte, sono un'eccellente scelta per chi non può tollerare il glutine o desidera ridurre il consumo di glutine. Gli ingredienti secchi senza glutine sono realizzati con cereali come mais, riso, grano saraceno e avena, noti per essere privi di glutine.

La selezione Bio4You include prodotti come: farina, vari porridge, cereali, legumi, prodotti a base di pasta, vari mix per la cottura e mix per germogliare. Questi prodotti sono ricchi di fibre, vitamine e minerali, che contribuiscono a una dieta sana ed equilibrata.

Filtri attivi

Cassava Flour, 200g
  • Nuovo

Cassava Flour, 200g

Prezzo 4,95 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Dragon Superfoods organic Cassava Flour is a naturally gluten-free product made from a root vegetable. Having a mild, slightly sweet flavor, very similar to wheat, it is a great choice for a variety of recipes, including baked goods, pancakes, and waffles. Alternatively, adding a few spoons to your soup or sauce will thicken the consistency naturally.

Ingredients: 100% cassava flour from organic farming.

Tapioca Flour, 200g
  • Nuovo

Tapioca Flour, 200g

Prezzo 3,95 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

Dragon Superfoods Tapioca Flour is an organic starch obtained from the roots of the cassava plant. The fine white consistence of the gluten-free powder makes it suitable to add to gluten-free dishes as an alternative to white flour. Especially known as a thickener, tapioca flour easily replaces cornstarch. It is also used to thicken sauces and soups and prepare desserts. Only to be use for cooking and baking. Do not consume raw! 

Ingredients: 100% tapioca starch from organic farming.

May contain traces of sesame seeds, peanuts and nuts.

Tricolor Quinoa, 300g
  • Nuovo

Tricolor Quinoa, 300g

Prezzo 5,20 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Quinoa is а gluten-free seed, high in protein and one of the few plant foods that contain sufficient amounts of all nine essential amino acids. It is also much higher in fibrе than most grains. Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids including quercetin and kaempferol. These are potent plant antioxidants with numerous health benefits. Rich in fibre, minerals, antioxidants and complete protein, quinoa is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.

Ingredients: white quinoa*, black quinoa*, red quinoa*.

*from organic farming

Gluten Free Pitta Dough Mix, 350g
  • Nuovo

Gluten Free Pitta Dough Mix, 350g

Prezzo 6,60 €
Availability: 43 In Stock

Gluten-free flour mixture for making pitta. To make the dough, you need 1 packet of dry yeast, 300ml of lukewarm water, 1 tbsp of oil and for the topping 150g of creme fraiche, 150g of grated cheese and according to your preferences and taste, e.g. tomato, mozzarella, basil, etc. For a sweet version, use for example walnuts, apple, honey and goat cheese.

Ingredients: corn starch*, rice flour*, gluten free oat flour*, ground psyllium husks*, chickpea flour*, whole grain millet flour*, buckwheat yeast powder* (buckwheat flour*), rock salt.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of nutssoymustardlupine and sesame.

Gluten Free Oat Pancake Baking Mix, 180g
  • Nuovo

Gluten Free Oat Pancake Baking Mix, 180g

Prezzo 3,50 €
Availability: 54 In Stock

Gluten-free oat pancake baking mix.

Ingredients: corn starch*, rice flour*, gluten free oat flour* 25%, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate, monopotassium tartrate, corn starch*), thickener: xanthan gum; sea ​​salt.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of nutssoy, sesamemustard and lupine.

Preparation: mix the contents of the package with 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of neutral oil and 200 ml of milk. In the vegan version, use 2 tablespoons of neutral oil and 225 ml plant based drink.

Chickpea Flour, 500g
  • Nuovo

Chickpea Flour, 500g

Prezzo 5,60 €
Availability: 47 In Stock

This flour made from ground chickpeas is great is used as a gluten-free alternative in a variety of foods. It can be mixed with other flours and is suitable for both savory and sweet dishes and is also a good egg substitute. Chickpeas have a pleasant and distinctive taste and are easier to digest than other legumes. They contain magnesium, iron and zinc and are a welcome protein-rich addition to our diet. In Indian cuisine, chickpea flour is used to make vegetable patties, stir-fry vegetables and in the well-known dessert Laddhu. 

Ingredients: gluten free chickpea flour from organic farming. 

Riso integrale basmati
  • Nuovo

Riso integrale basmati, 500g

Prezzo 5,80 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

Il basmati è una varietà di riso molto riconoscibile con chicchi lunghi e affusolati. In hindi il suo nome significa "Regina del profumo" e "Ricco di un aroma innato". Ideale per piatti e contorni etnici.

Ingredienti: riso integrale basmati da agricoltura biologica.

Long Grain White Rice, 1kg
  • Nuovo

Long Grain White Rice, 1kg

Prezzo 9,30 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Long grain rice is suitable for preparing risottos, casseroles, soups, as a side dish for fish and meat dishes.

Ingredients: long grain rice from organic farming.

Preparation: to prepare two portions, take 125g of rice, rinse it in a sieve under cold water, put it in a pot and add 250ml of cold water and salt. Boil for 5 minutes and then let it simmer on low heat with the lid on for about 30 minutes.

White Quinoa, 500g
  • Nuovo

White Quinoa, 500g

Prezzo 8,40 €
Aggiungi al carrello
Availability: Out of stock

As a source of protein, quinoa is particularly valuable for vegetarians and vegans. Ideal for cold salads with seasonal vegetables, vegetable pies, patties, soups. No pre-soaking required. 

Ingredients: organic quinoa. 

May contain traces of glutenalmondsnutssesamesoymilk and celery.

Preparation: wash the quinoa thoroughly on a fine sieve under running water. Then let it boil with twice the amount of lightly salted water. Simmer under the lid on low heat for about 10-15 minutes. 

Made in Germany.

Tagliatelle with Porcini Mushroom, 500g
  • Nuovo

Tagliatelle with Porcini Mushroom, 500g

Prezzo 6,70 €
Availability: 11 In Stock

Porcini mushroom tagliatelle is made from durum wheat semolina and porcini mushrooms. With its nutty aroma and refined taste, this mushroom gives your meal an autumnal flavor. Serve our tagliatelle with a drizzle of olive oil or with a sauce of your choice. They are prepared in just a few minutes and are ideal for a quick and healthy meal.

Ingredients: durum wheat semolina*, porcini mushroom granules* 2%.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of eggmustard and soy.

Tagliatelle with Wild Garlic, 500g
  • Nuovo

Tagliatelle with Wild Garlic, 500g

Prezzo 5,50 €
Availability: 19 In Stock

Wild garlic tagliatelle are made from durum wheat semolina and dried wild garlic, which gives them a spring-like taste. Serve our tagliatelle with a dash of olive oil or with a sauce of your choice. They are prepared in just a few minutes and are ideal for a quick and healthy meal.

Ingredients: durum wheat semolina*, wild garlic* 3%.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of eggmustard and soy.

Raw Cacao Nibs, 200g
3 Recensione(i)

Raw Cacao Nibs, 200g

Prezzo 15,30 €
Availability: 34 In Stock

Though small in size, cacao nibs are packed with an impressive amount of nutrients. Unlike many chocolate products, they are naturally low in sugar which makes them perfect for people with high blood sugar levels. 100% organic, raw and gluten-free. They are made from carefully crushed raw cacao beans that are grown in organic farmer cooperatives in South America. Enjoy these tasty cacao nibs right out of the bag as a refreshing snack or add them to your homemade desserts.

Ingredients: cacao nibs from organic farming.

Gluten Free Oat Bran, 300g

Gluten Free Oat Bran, 300g

Prezzo 4,65 €
Availability: 162 In Stock

Oat bran is the healthiest and most fiber-rich part of oats. Oat bran contains magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and folic acid. Since the fiber in oat bran is water-soluble, it helps the body eliminate bad cholesterol.

Ingredients: gluten-free oat bran from biodynamic organic farming.

May contain traces of soymustard and lupine.

Gluten Free Ginger Brownie Mix, 400g

Gluten Free Ginger Brownie Mix, 400g

Prezzo 8,45 €
Availability: 61 In Stock

Indulge in the warm, cozy flavors of the holidays with our Ginger Brownie Mix! Made with gluten-free oat flour and aromatic spices such as Ceylon cinnamon, ginger-, cardamon- and clove powder, this delicious blend promises a rich, delightful treat. Gluten-free and packed with love — bring the festive cheer to your kitchen today!

Ingredients: coconut palm sugar*, buckwheat flour*, gluten-free oat flour*, tapioca starch*, linseed flour*, Ceylon cinnamon powder*, baking powder* (corn starch*, acidifier: cream of tartar, raising agent: sodium bicarbonate), cocoa powder* 2%, ginger powder* 0,6%, salt , Bourbon vanilla powder*, cardamom powder*, clove powder*.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of peanutsnuts and sesame seeds.

Gluten Free Gingerbread Cookie Mix, 350g

Gluten Free Gingerbread Cookie Mix, 350g

Prezzo 7,60 €
Availability: 65 In Stock

The best Christmas gift for you is the happiness of your loved ones – make them happy with homemade gluten-free cookies! Prepare them in a few simple steps – add water, milk or vegetable drink of your choice and fat to the mixture, shape your cookies and bake them. Enjoy the tempting combination between the caramel shade of the coconut sugar and the aromatic spices that make the cookies taste simply magical!

Ingredients: coconut sugar*, rice flour*, cassava flour*, gluten-free oat flour*, chia protein*, Ceylon cinnamon powder*, baking powder* (corn starch*, acidifier: cream of tartar, raising agent: sodium hydrogen carbonate), ginger powder* 0,6%, Bourbon vanilla powder*, cardamom powder*, salt, clove powder*.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of peanutsnuts and sesame seeds.

Coconut Flour, 500g
  • -30%

Coconut Flour, 500g

Prezzo base 9,15 € Prezzo 6,41 €
Availability: 21 In Stock

Maya Gold organic coconut flour is a delicious gluten free substitute for other flours in baked goods. It gives everything you bake with it a subtle coconut taste.

There are no exploited monkeys when harvesting coconuts. 


Mix di falafel senza glutine con patate dolci

Mix di falafel senza glutine con patate dolci, 160g

Prezzo 3,50 €
Availability: 103 In Stock

Ingredienti: macinato di ceci* 39%, farina di riso*, fiocchi di riso*, pezzi di patata dolce* 8%, sale grosso, paprica in polvere*, aglio in polvere*, coriandolo*, curcuma*, cumino*, fieno greco*, chiodi di garofano*, peperoncino in polvere*, zenzero*.

*da agricoltura biologica controllata

Può contenere tracce di noci, lupino, sesamo, senape, sedano e soia.

Polvere di carruba

Polvere di carruba, 200g

Prezzo 4,60 €
Availability: 20 In Stock

La polvere di carruba Dragon Superfoods si ottiene dai baccelli essiccati e tostati del carrubo. Questi baccelli sono naturalmente dolci e ricchi di fibre. La polvere di carruba viene spesso utilizzata come alternativa al cacao, priva di caffeina, in varie bevande e dessert. Basta aggiungerne qualche cucchiaio alla vostra ricetta preferita di torta, gelato o budino cremoso!

Pula di psillio, 200g

Prezzo 16,40 €
Availability: 17 In Stock

Buccia di psillio biologica. Lo psillio è una fibra solubile derivata dai semi della Plantago ovata, un'erba coltivata principalmente in India. Lo psillio può assorbire acqua e diventare un composto denso e viscoso che resiste alla digestione nell'intestino tenue.La sua resistenza alla digestione gli permette di aiutare a regolare il colesterolo alto, i trigliceridi e i livelli di zucchero nel sangue. Può anche aiutare a gestire il peso e ad alleviare la diarrea e la stitichezza lievi.

Palline di cereali senza glutine con cannella

Palline di cereali senza glutine con cannella, 275g

Prezzo 9,35 €
Availability: 31 In Stock

Ingredients: farina di avena senza glutine* 51%, farina di mais*, zucchero di barbabietola*, sale grosso, cannella* 0,4%.

*da agricoltura biologica certificata

Può contenere tracce di soia, frutta a guscio, sesamo, latte, senape e lupino.

Fiocchi di cereali senza glutine con cacao
1 Recensione(i)

Fiocchi di cereali senza glutine con cacao, 225g

Prezzo 8,70 €
Availability: 14 In Stock

Ingredienti: farina di avena senza glutine* 73%, zucchero di barbabietola*, cacao in polvere* 6%, zucchero a velo di barbabietola*, sale grosso.

*da agricoltura biologica certificata

Può contenere tracce di soia, frutta a guscio, senape, sesamo e lupino.

Polvere per frullati energetici

Polvere per frullati energetici, 200g

Prezzo 12,70 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Il frullato energetico di dragon superfoods è un'ottima miscela di tre superfoods - radice di maca, cacao e proteine della canapa, un mix nutrizionale che sostiene la vitalità del corpo. la polvere di energy mix è facile da conservare e da usare. si percepisce il gusto e l'aroma tipico del cacao, il sapore di nocciola delle proteine della canapa e un pizzico di maca delicata.

Ingredienti: proteine di canapa in polvere* 50%, maca in polvere* 25%, cacao in polvere* 25%.

*da agricoltura biologica

Uso consigliato: 1-3 cucchiaini (10-15 g) al giorno, aggiunti a un frullato o a un succo di frutta.

Maca rossa in polvere

Maca rossa in polvere, 100g

Prezzo 8,70 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

La maca rossa è la seconda più rara di tutte le varietà di maca. ha un sapore più delicato e gli stessi benefici della radice di maca classica. la maca (lepidium meyenii) è un antico superfood peruviano che cresce sugli altipiani delle montagne andes ad altitudini superiori ai 3600 metri. Nella cultura tradizionale peruviana, si ritiene che la maca sia afrodisiaca. la maca rossa è la seconda più rara di tutte le varietà di maca, e costituisce circa il 25% del raccolto annuale. la polvere di maca rossa di dragon superfoods ha un sapore più delicato e gentile, che potrebbe essere descritto come simile a un sottile caramello.

Ingredienti: polvere di maca rossa (Lepidium meyenii) biologica.

Uso consigliato: 5-10 g al giorno, aggiunti a un frullato o a un succo di frutta.

Gluten Free Protein Granola, 300g

Prezzo 8,25 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

The low sugar content, the perfect combination of flavors, and high-quality ingredients make it the best choice for starting the day or for an afternoon snack. Add a little milk and get 14g of protein in the most delicious way with just one serving.

Ingredients: peanuts* 30% (roasted blanched peanuts*, salt), gluten free oatmeal*, textured vegetable protein* 20% (pea protein concentrate*, faba protein concentrate*, salt), sweetener: erythritol*, coconut oil*, cacao powder* 4,6%, dates syrup*, salt.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of sesame seeds and nuts.

Instant Hummus Mix, 200g

Instant Hummus Mix, 200g

Prezzo 4,35 €
Availability: 32 In Stock

Instant hummus mix, ready in 1 minutes.

Ingredients: roasted chickpea flour*, sesame seed flour*, salt, garlic powder*, cumin powder*.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of peanuts, other nuts and sulphites.

Preparation: to prepare a single serving, you need 50g hummus mix (5 rounded tablespoons), 60-65ml water and 20-25ml olive oil (or to taste). Add room temperature water to the mix and stir until a smooth texture is obtained. Follow by adding olive oil and keep stirring until the mixture is homogeneous. Flavour the hummus with freshly squeezed lemon juice if desired or other spices