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Soft Care Mask & Peeling, 2x7,5ml
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Soft Care Mask & Peeling, 2x7,5ml

Prezzo 2,90 €
Availability: 17 In Stock

The Alviana Soft Care Mask & Peeling gently cleanses and clarifies the skin with peeling particles on a 100% natural basis. Suitable for all skin types. Dermatologically tested for skin tolerance.

How to use: apply the mask to the cleansed face. Avoid the eyes and mouth area. After a few minutes, gently massage and then rinse off thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Ageless Beauty Mask, 2x7,5ml
  • Nuovo

Ageless Beauty Mask, 2x7,5ml

Prezzo 3,20 €
Availability: 10 In Stock

The Alviana Ageless Beauty Mask supports the skin from the age of 30. The valuable MulitMoist CLR™ formulation with organic cornflower and natural, plant-based active ingredients that intensively moisturizes the skin and provides an immediate smoothing effect. Dermatologically tested for skin tolerance.

How to use: apply the mask to the cleansed face, neck and décolleté. Avoid the eyes and mouth area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then remove the mask and gently massage in the remains or remove them with a cosmetic tissue.

Hydro Sheet Mask, 1pcs
  • Nuovo

Hydro Sheet Mask, 1pcs

Prezzo 4,70 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

The Alviana Hydro sheet mask with hyaluronic acid and organic aloe vera juice concentrate provides an instant hydrating boost with a plumping effect! Suitable for all skin types. Dermatologically tested for skin tolerance.

How to use: remove the mask from the package and carefully unfold it. Put the mask on the cleansed face and gently smooth it with your hands. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask and gently massage in the remains or remove them with a cosmetic tissue.

Sensitive Eye Patches, 1 Pair

Sensitive Eye Patches, 1 Pair

Prezzo 4,05 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Hej Organic eye patches with highly effective ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid and squalane, give this eye mask its refreshing, highly moisturising and skin-smoothing properties. It is also ideal for dark circles under the eyes and counteracts wrinkles caused by dryness.

The Antioxidant - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

The Antioxidant - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

Prezzo 5,45 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

From around the age of 30, our skin produces much less oil than it did ten years earlier. As a result, it loses moisture much more quickly, and the first small wrinkles appear. But even in the years before that, it is essential to protect your skin from premature ageing. This is mainly caused by harmful environmental influences. Natural active ingredients such as prickly pear seed oil and argan oil protect your skin with their high antioxidant content. They are a completely natural fountain of youth that nourish your skin with velvety softness. You will find these active ingredients in our Antioxidant Sheet Mask, which provides your skin with an incredibly intensive supply of them. 

The Relaxer - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

The Relaxer - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

Prezzo 5,45 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

The Relaxer Sheet Mask is ideal when your skin longs for relaxation. The sheet mask is soaked with algae extract, hemp oil and matcha. Thus making it full of antioxidants that protect your skin from free radicals. Free radicals are mainly responsible for the premature ageing of the skin. The mask stimulates cell renewal and moisturizes your skin. You can apply the mask spontaneously and enjoy its relaxing effect because, unlike cream masks, it does not need to be washed off afterwards. In contrast, you can simply massage the remains of the serum into your skin.

The Ultra Hydrator - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

The Ultra Hydrator - Second Skin Sheet Mask, 1pc

Prezzo 5,45 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Our Ultra Hydrator Sheet Mask provides your skin with plenty of moisture and makes your face look radiant. The mask is mainly soaked with oat milk extract and hemp oil. Both provide your skin with a lot of moisture and protect it from harmful environmental influences with their antioxidants. In addition, the mask contains some St. John's wort and amaranth, reduces redness and gives your skin plenty of moisture. After use, your skin will feel relaxed and fresh. You can apply the cloth mask spontaneously and enjoy its relaxing effect because, unlike cream masks, they do not need to be washed off afterwards. Instead, you can simply massage the remains of the serum into your skin.

Deeply Purifying Face Mask for Young Skin, 60ml

Deeply Purifying Face Mask for Young Skin, 60ml

Prezzo 12,65 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Efficient and gentle natural skin care solution for young skin. Pure micronized balneological peat rich in bioactive substances like humic, fulvic and hymatomelanic acid, minerals, lipids, amino acids, enzymes, microelements, phytonutrients and sulphur. Bioactive substances penetrate deep into the skin, remove impurities and restore normal functioning of the skin. Efficient anti-acne treatment. Works as an enzyme peel. Accelerates skin metabolism, enlivens and refreshes the skin.

Peeling maschera anti-age viso-corpo, 50ml
  • -20%
2 Recensione(i)

Peeling maschera anti-age viso-corpo, 50ml

Prezzo base 13,80 € Prezzo 11,04 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

Detergente esfoliante e maschera anti-age racchiusi in un unico piacevole prodotto, dalle note avvolgenti di Eucalipto e Rosmarino.

Argilla Ghassoul, 50g

Argilla Ghassoul, 50g

Prezzo 4,35 €
Availability: 20 In Stock

Il Ghassoul è l'argilla marocchina per la pulizia e la detersione di pelle e capelli. "E’ un minerale naturale e biologico, e si utilizza come crema di lavaggio per i capelli, come maschera per il viso. Addolcisce l’epidermide, riduce la secrezione di sebo, rigenera la pelle, elimina le cellule morte. Il Ghassoul è consigliato per ogni tipo di capello, che sgrassa senza impoverire nè seccare, regola la secrezione di sebo donando alla chioma un aspetto brillante e setoso. Questa argilla è utilizzata nel lavaggio dei capelli e agisce come uno shampoo naturale, pulendo e sgrassando, senza danneggiare, capelli e il cuoio capelluto. La chioma trattata con Ghassoul presenta una brillantezza e una sofficità eccezionale."

Prodotto in Marocco

Argilla verde ventilata
1 Recensione(i)

Argilla verde ventilata, 200g

Prezzo 3,95 €
Availability: 32 In Stock

Prodotto naturale di origine minerale per uso esterno, ideale per maschere, cataplasmi, impacchi e bagni corpo.

Modo d'uso: Versare l'argilla in un recipiente di vetro o ceramica ed aggiungere acqua per ottenere un impasto morbido ed omogeneo. Spalmare sulla pelle e coprire con un panno. Lasciare agire l'impacco per almeno mezz'ora e sciacquare con acqua tiepida. 

Argilla bianca kaolino
1 Recensione(i)

Argilla bianca Kaolino, 300g

Prezzo 9,85 €
Availability: 19 In Stock

Polvere di argilla bianca naturalmente morbida e ultraventilata. Materia prima per uso esterno.

Ingredienti: Caolino (argilla bianca).

Prodotto in Francia.

Montmorillonite roheline savi pasta

Pasta di argilla verde Montmorillonite con Aloe Vera, 300g

Prezzo 8,80 €
Availability: 10 In Stock

Argilla verde Montmorillonite di altissima qualità e pronta all'uso, arricchita con aloe vera con proprietà benefiche per la pelle.