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Фолиевая кислота + йод, 240 таблеток / пищевые добавки

Kräuterhaus Sanct Bernhard
9,90 €
Фолиевая кислота и йодид важны для здорового физического и умственного развития. Помимо прочего, фолиевая кислота способствует росту тканей матери во время беременности, а также нормальному синтезу аминокислот и гемопоэзу. Йодид поддерживает нормальный энергетический обмен и когнитивные функции, то есть все те процессы в мозге, которые касаются мышления,...
Price for customer: 4,95 €
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Magnesium 400 direct powder, 60x2,1g / dietary supplement

Kräuterhaus Sanct Bernhard
18,20 €
In the human body, magnesium takes on diverse, important tasks by contributing, amongst other things, to: Normal muscular function, especially in those who do sport or exercise. Magnesium thus promotes well-being – including at night – with eased, relaxed muscles and calves. The retention of sturdy, healthy bones and teeth A healthy energy metabolism and...
Price for customer: 17,29 €
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Magnesium 400 supra, 120capsules / dietary supplement

Kräuterhaus Sanct Bernhard
13,95 €
1 capsule contains 400 mg pure magnesium and is enough to cover the daily magnesium requirement for adults! Just like vitamins, magnesium is one of the essential nutrients the human body needs to stay healthy but cannot produce on it’s own. The essential mineral is found mainly in the bones, muscle cells and blood. Magnesium contributes towards: Normal...
Price for customer: 13,25 €
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Calcium + Vitamin D3 Tablets, 150pcs / dietary supplement

Kräuterhaus Sanct Bernhard
10,95 €
A sensible combination for the support of your bone health. Calcium maintains our skeleton stable and fix. The meaning of vitamin D3 lies in the additional facility of the absorption of calcium through the organism. Moreover, the vitamin performs many important functions like maintaining healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Three calcium + vitamin D3-tablets...
Price for customer: 10,40 €


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