Emu Oil with Infused Sandalwood Essential Oil. Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP.
Масло и спреи для тела
There are 33 products.
The nightly beauty ritual will create a spa-like pleasure in the comfort of your home. The organic body oil will provide a relaxing pleasure for your body and senses. The composition of the naturally extracted essential oils from small organic producers alleviates tensions and facilitates falling asleep. Aroma therapy is based on natural extracted essences which balance our senses, body, and skin. Natural scents also have a positive impact on our well-being. The main features of the oil: calms, relaxes, improves your mood, alleviates anxiety, facilitates falling asleep.
Vegetable glycerin is obtained as a by-product of the refining of vegetable oils and is used in cosmetic products to regulate the water content of the stratum corneum of the skin. Thus, it is a skin-friendly moisturizer suitable for use in creams, lotions and serums.
Made in Italy.
Propolis oil from pure nature.
Helps reduce inflammation of the joints, nerves, skin and veins. Relieves muscle pain and can help with eczema.
Emu Oil with Infused Lavender Essential Oil. Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP.
Emu Oil with Infused Rose Wardia Essential Oil. Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP.
Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP.
Ingredients: Emu oil infused with 0,02% Blue Gum Eucalyptus.
External use only. Avoid eye contact. Shake well before use. Stand bottle in warm water to liquify if necessary.
Made in Australia.
This anti-wrinkle formula is vital for helping to correct sun damage and provide an anti- ageing treatment for your skin – and it delivers fast results. The combination of pure Australian Emu Oil and natural Vitamin C & E, which are the major ingredients in this anti-wrinkle oil, help to combat sun damage on the face, neck, hands or any area of the body. Extensive research into the effects of combined use of pure Australian Emu Oil and Vitamin C & E, along with rose geranium, lemongrass and sandalwood essential oils will benefit in the protection of the skin from ageing. Our Omega 3 6 9 Australian Emu Oil is the highest quality and most biologically active pharmaceutical grade 100% pure oil on the market anywhere in the world. All processing is done in Australia.
A 100% natural nourishing and beautifying dry oil that absorbs quickly, leaving only a silky-soft feeling, a wonderful luster and the lovely energizing, refreshing flowery scent Sweet Ginger Flower on your skin. Provides long-lasting hydration and nourishment.
This instantly absorbed oil-free gel gives your skin a wonderful golden glow. Thanks to natural minerals and carrot, St. John´s wort, and aloe extracts, your skin will look shimmering and perfectly hydrated.
Магний помогает сохранить здоровье и жизненную силу. Продукт предназначен для использования при принятии ванн для тела и ног. 100% натуральный продукт.
Высокое содержание магния - 31% MgCl2. Получено из древнего соленого озера Zechsteini из глубины 1600m.
Carrot dry oil is natural and innovative vitamin bomb that moisturizes the skin and makes it elastic. Restoring vitality of the skin, it makes the skin silky soft and nourished. Carrot oil is rich in vitamin A and beta carotene, which give the skin beautiful complexion. Antioxidants and vitamin E help maintain juvenility of the skin. Aloe Vera soothes the skin and moisturizes deeply, making it silky soft and nourished. Carrot dry oil is suitable for all skin types: it is deeply moisturizing and doesn´t clog the skin pores. Dry oil is very easy to use - it absorbs quickly and doesn´t leave the skin oily. Delicate citrus fragrance awakens all the senses and delights tou every time. Use it daily instead of a body cream. Suitable for vegans.
Nourishing body oil with a mixture of organic lavender essential oil and botanicals combined with coenzyme Q10, broccoli seed oil, almond oil and jojoba oil. The perfect combination of conditioning ingredients to help your skin to become smooth, protected and balanced. With the appealing scent of lavender.
The carrot elixir will prepare your skin for the sunny season and for sunbathing. The composition brings together sunflower seed oil and the powerful extracts of carrot root and rosemary. The product helps the tan to last longer, accelerates the processes of tanning, and keeps the skin moisturised. The golden colour of the carrot oil also adds a golden finish to the skin. For all skin types.
An exclusive face and body oil is rich in carotene and vitamin E. Gives natural protection to the skin, softness and a healthy glow. Wheat germ oil contains omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, antioxidant compounds that help you to slow down the aging process. The carrot oil contents nutrient-rich oils. Suitable for vegans.
Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP.
Масло, борющееся с признаками старения. Увлажняющее и подтягивающее масло жожоба помогает другим маслам лучше действовать. Масла авокадо, винограда и черной смородины выравнивают морщинки, питают кожу антиоксидантами, способствуют образованию коллагена, подтягивают кожу и восстанавливают ее естественную защиту. Подходит для чувствительной кожи.
Neem oil is cold-pressed from the cape seeds. In India, neem trees are known as "trees that cure all diseases"; in the Arabic language, the neem tree is called a "blessed tree." Neem oil is made up of various substances and resembles olive oil and cocoa powder in terms of the triterpenes and fatty acids (oleic acid, stearic acid) contained therein. This means that the neem oil has strong eudermic properties: it binds well to the hydrolipid film of the skin and has strong moisturizing and softening properties. Neem oil also has many other properties - it has anti-inflammatory, fungal and parasitic effects. It contains substances that help the body fight viruses, bacteria and fungi. An ideal natural pesticide for animals and plants. Suitable for vegans.
Масло из виноградных косточек получают путем холодного прессования семян винограда. Масло тысячелетиями использовалось как средство против старения. Легкое масло содержит большое количество олеиновой кислоты и полифенолов, которые помогают бороться со свободными радикалами. Наносить масло вместо крема на кожу круговыми движениями, до полного впитывания.
Масло мускусной розы получают путем холодного прессования семян плодов. Это масло уже тысячи лет используют как эликсир красоты, которых сохраняет кожу молодой и подтянутой. Масло содержит важные жирные кислоты, которые восстанавливают и обновляют кожные ткани. Помогает при растяжках, ожогах и возрастных пятнах на коже.
Масло макадамии (Macadamia integrifolia) получают путем холодного отжима орехов макадамии, которые растут преимущественно в Австралии. Масло макадамии - источник жирных кислот, поэтому полезно для кожи. Впитывается быстро и не делает кожу жирной. Подходит для использования для сухой и стареющей кожи, для массажа и для восстановления кожи после загара. Масло макадамии делает волосы гладкими и легко расчесываемыми. Для использования на лице и теле необходимо налить пару капель масла на ладони и равномерно нанести легкими движениями на кожу. В качестве маски для волос необходимо наносить масло и на сухие чистые волосы. Веган.
Масло жожоба (Simmondsia chinensis) получают из плодов (орехов) растения симмондсия (ветвистый вечнозеленый кустарник) методом холодного прессования и технически это жидкий воск.
Масло ростков пшеницы (Triticum vulgare) холодного отжима выделяется прежде всего высоким содержанием витамина Е. Оно содержит много антиоксидантов и защищает кожу от вредаб нанесенного свободными радикалами. Масло пшеничных ростков можно использовать вместо крема или добавлять в крем для лица и тела, чтобы сделать его более питательными.
Massage oil. Fair Trade. Ayurveda.
Ingredients: Sesamum indicum seed oil *
*from controlled organic farming
Made in Germany.