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Walnuts, 100g

Walnuts, 100g

Price 3,95 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Organic walnuts.

May contain traces of peanuts, other nutssesame and soy.

Blanched Almonds, 250g

Blanched Almonds, 250g

Price 11,50 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Organic blanched almonds.

May contain traces of peanuts, other nutssesame and soy.

Chestnuts Snack, 100g
1 Review(s)

Chestnuts Snack, 100g

Price 5,20 €
Availability: 18 In Stock

Prima Colta chestnuts, grown and processed in Italy, are a ready-to-eat tasty and nutritious snack. They are also an excellent ingredient in a variety of recipes, including main courses, salads and desserts. Chestnuts are a good source of potassium, high in fibre and have a low fat content. After opening store in the refrigerator and eat within 2 days. Do not consume if the packaging is damaged.

Coconut chips, 100g / Nutrisslim

Кокосовые чипсы, 100г

Price 4,51 €
Availability: 38 In Stock

Кокосовые чипсы обладают всеми полезными свойствами кокосового масла. Они содержат много клетчатки, жирных кислот омега-6, белков. Не содержат добавленных усилителей вкуса, подсластителей или консервантовВеган.

Проверенное органическое земледелие.

Peeled Hemp Seeds, 250g

Peeled Hemp Seeds, 250g

Price 11,59 €
Availability: 17 In Stock

Peeled organic hemp seeds.

Made in Estonia

Hemp Seeds, 500g

Hemp Seeds, 500g

Price 9,15 €
Availability: 9 In Stock

Organic hemp seeds.

Flax Seeds, 500g

Flax Seeds, 500g

Price 5,70 €
Availability: 13 In Stock

Organic flax seeds.

Seed Mixture, 250g

Seed Mixture, 250g

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 27 In Stock

Ingredients: poppy seeds* 30%, sunflower seeds* 25%, dark flax seeds* 25%, sesame seeds* 20%.


May contain traces of nuts.

Black Sesame Seeds, 250g

Black Sesame Seeds, 250g

Price 5,50 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

Used for decoration and seasoning of sushi, as well as yoghurt or kefir, and for baking or bakery products. 

Ingredients: organic black sesame seeds.

May contain traces of peanutssoy and nuts.

Семена подсолнуха

Семена подсолнуха, 250г

Price 4,05 €
Availability: 11 In Stock

Perfect as snack or added to muesli with nuts, or as dressing for salads and pasta, or to garnish dishes or in dough for baked goods.

Ingredients: sunflower seeds.

May contain traces of nuts and sesame seeds.

Семена тыквы

Семена тыквы, 200г

Price 7,65 €
Availability: 18 In Stock

Pumpkin seeds from organic farming. Can be used in soups, salads and pastas or just as snacks.

May contain peanutssoynuts and sesame seeds.

Семена кунжута

Семена кунжута, 250г

Price 4,90 €
Availability: 19 In Stock

Sesame seeds from organic farming.

May contain traces of peanutssoy and other nuts.

Cемена Чиа

Cемена Чиа, 350г

Price 9,70 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Ingredients: 100% chia seeds (Salvia Hispanica).

The maximum recommended daily amount is 15g.

Cемена Чиа, 250г
1 Review(s)

Cемена Чиа, 250г

Price 9,70 €
Availability: 25 In Stock

Thousands of years ago, chia seeds was a staple in the diets of ancient Mayans and Aztecs whose warriors relied on chia seeds to boost energy. Today this tiny seed is a favorite of athletes, especially distance runners, who tout it as endurance enhancing superfood.

Cемена Чиа, 400г
2 Review(s)

Cемена Чиа, 400г

Price 13,60 €
Availability: 54 In Stock
Семена ЧИА представляют собой питательный и экологически чистый продукт, проверенный на протяжении более 4000 лет! Современные ученые пришли к заключению, что доколумбовые диеты, основанные на применении ЧИА, значительно качественнее самых лучших диет нашего времени.
Семена конопли, очищенные 200г

Семена конопли, очищенные 200г

Price 10,90 €
Availability: 9 In Stock
Семена конопли содержат около 35% ценного масла, примерно 25% белка, 20-30% углеводов, 10-15% клетчатки, минералы (в частности фосфор, калий, магний, кальций, железо и цинк), витамины (А, В, С, Е, каротиноиды) и хлорофиллВеган.
Super Student Snack, 125g / Nutrisslim

Суперсмесь для студентов, 125г

Price 8,36 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

Состав: бразильский орех (Bertholletia excelsa)* 20%, шелковица (Morus Alba)* 20%, инжир (Ficus carica)* 20%, раздробленные какао-бобы(Theobroma cacao)* 20%, кокосовая стружка (Cocos nucifera) 20%*.

*органическое земледелие.


Walnuts, 1kg

Walnuts, 1kg

Price 29,70 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Organic walnuts.

Origin: Republic of Moldova.

Packed in Estonia.

Flax Seeds, 1kg

Flax Seeds, 1kg

Price 11,45 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

Organic flax seeds.

Origin: Poland

Packed in Estonia

Almonds, 1kg

Almonds, 1kg

Price 22,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Organic almonds.

Origin: Spain

Packed in Estonia

Brazil Nuts, 1kg

Brazil Nuts, 1kg

Price 29,60 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Organic Brazil nuts.

Origin: Bolivia

Packed in Estonia

Pumpkin Seeds, 1kg

Pumpkin Seeds, 1kg

Price 22,35 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Organic pumpkin seeds.

Origin: Croatia

Packed in Estonia

Sunflower Seeds, 1kg

Sunflower Seeds, 1kg

Price 7,60 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Organic sunflower seeds.

Origin: Bulgaria

Packed in Estonia

Hazelnuts, 1kg

Hazelnuts, 1kg

Price 30,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Organic hazelnuts.

Origin: Turkey

Packed in Estonia

Cashews, 1kg

Cashews, 1kg

Price 28,50 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Organic cashews.

Origin: India

Packed in Estonia