The Pierpaoli Ekos fabric softener, suitable for both hand and machine washing, is formulated with raw materials derived from natural sources, in order to guarantee the protection of the health of the person who uses it. The reduction in environmental impact was calculated using the Critical Dilution Volume method, which considers the biodegradability and toxicity of the formulation on natural aquatic systems. The product does not contain EDTA, Chlorine Isothiazolinone, substances of animal origin, synthetic perfumes, dyes, synthetic preservatives, optical brighteners and SLES. 100% natural ingredients. 22 washes.
Смягчитель для белья
There are 6 products.
The package contains 6 small wool dryer balls (diameter - 5 cm) and 1 storage bag. These wool dryer balls, intended for use in a tumble dryer, are made cruelty-free from 100% natural New Zealand wool. Wool dryer balls are an eco-friendly alternative to fabric softeners and dryer sheets. These balls reduce drying time, decrease static and wrinkles, naturally fluffs laundry, saves time, energy and money.
Directions: After loading freshly washed laundry into the dryer, also add the balls. To scent the laundry, add your favorite essential oil to each wool ball. It is not recommended to use in industrial dryers. Keep out of reach of children. For external use only.
Made in PRC.
The package contains 6 extra-large wool dryer balls (diameter - 7 cm) and 1 storage bag. These wool dryer balls, intended for use in a tumble dryer, are made cruelty-free from 100% natural New Zealand wool. Wool dryer balls are an eco-friendly alternative to fabric softeners and dryer sheets. These balls reduce drying time, decrease static and wrinkles, naturally fluffs laundry, saves time, energy and money. Reusable for 1000+ cycles.
Directions: After loading freshly washed laundry into the dryer, add 3-4 wool dryer balls for small loads. For large loads, use 5-6 wool dryer balls. Add 3-4 drops of your favourite essential oil to each wool ball for a fresh laundry smell. Not recommended for use in industrial dryers. Keep out of reach of children. For external use only.
Made in PRC.
Concentrated fabric softener. For 15 washes.
For hand and machine washing. This fabric softener only contains plant based surfactants and gives clothes exceptional softness and freshness. This product complies with the Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (ICEA) EcoDetergence standard, inspired by respect for the environment and mankind. For 22 washes.
Кондиционер для белья с ароматом эфирного масла лаванды. Не содержит ЭДТА, метилхлоризотиазолинона, консервантов, ферментов и веществ животного происхождения. Веганский.