Zero Waste

What is zero waste? The simple answer: aim to send nothing to a landfill. Reduce what you need, reuse as much as you can, send little to be recycled, and compost what you cannot.

The less simple answer: It’s really about redefining the system. We currently live in a linear economy where we take resources from the earth and then dump them in a giant hole in the ground. The goal of zero waste is to move to a circular economy where we write trash out of existence. The circular economy mimics nature in that there is no trash in nature. Instead of discarding resources, we create a system where all resources can be resumed fully back into the system.

We offer a wide range of earth (and human) friendly products in sustainable packaging including fully recyclable glass, cardboard, compostable "plastic" made from plants and the best option is always non-packaged products. See the range below and let's reduce waste together!

Активные фильтры

The Sugar Cane Drinking Straw, 1pc

0,10 €
These eco-straws are made of about 2/3 sugar cane (not genetically modified) and about 1/3 of minerals, fibers, etc. and are therefore biodegradable and compostable in industrial composting plants. Our pearly white straw is suitable for cold drinks up to 30°C. Made in Germany.
Price for customer: 0,10 €


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