Zero Waste

What is zero waste? The simple answer: aim to send nothing to a landfill. Reduce what you need, reuse as much as you can, send little to be recycled, and compost what you cannot.

The less simple answer: It’s really about redefining the system. We currently live in a linear economy where we take resources from the earth and then dump them in a giant hole in the ground. The goal of zero waste is to move to a circular economy where we write trash out of existence. The circular economy mimics nature in that there is no trash in nature. Instead of discarding resources, we create a system where all resources can be resumed fully back into the system.

We offer a wide range of earth (and human) friendly products in sustainable packaging including fully recyclable glass, cardboard, compostable "plastic" made from plants and the best option is always non-packaged products. See the range below and let's reduce waste together!

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EasyPu Reusable Cloth Diaper, Universal Size

17,80 €
When ordering, please write to the comment field in the shopping cart, which color you would like to receive. If possible, we will send you the preferred color, but we may not always have all the colors in stock. EasyPu is a versatile, absorbent, one-size-fits-all baby cloth diaper. The outer material is made of breathable, moisture repellent technical...
Price for customer: 16,91 €
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Бумага для пеленания, 100 листов

7,10 €
100% биоразлагаемая бумага для пеленания предназначена для использования с подгузниками из ткани. Бумага кладется как самый верхний слой. Бумага облегчает чистку подгузников и впитывает жидкость, не давая ей раздражать кожу ребенка. Размер листа 14x28cсм, в упаковке 100 листов.
Price for customer: 6,75 €


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