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Grain Free Cat Food Paté with Salmon, 100g


Grain free paté made from MSC salmon, supplemented with certified organic seaweed. This organic wet food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your cat. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable proteins. Yarrah recommends wet food for every cat. Wet food contains plenty of moisture and helps your cat stay hydrated. 

Ingredients: chicken* 37% (meat*, carcass*, heart*, kidney*, meal*, liver*), broth* 36% (water, lavas*, chicken meal*), beef* 15% (lung*), salmon 4% (MSC¹), dried seaweed* 0,5%, minerals.


¹From an MSC certified sustainable fishery (

Made in the Netherlands.

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1,85 €
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