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Small Breed Dry Dog Food, 2kg


Kibble made with organic chicken, MSC fish, and organic peas for small dog breeds. This organic dog food forms a complete, nutritious, and oh-so-delicious meal for your dog. It's pure organic food, which means no chemical fragrances, colourings, or aromas, no added pesticides or GMOs, and only the best absorbable proteins. So your dog gets exactly what they need.

Ingredients: dried chicken* 19%, oats*, wheat*, corn*, chicken fat*, soy husks*, rice protein*, peas*, dried MSC herring¹, hydrolised liver*, soy beans*, brewers yeast, sunflower seed husks*, minerals, MSC fish oil¹.


¹From an MSC certified sustainable fishery (

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28,00 €
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Nutritional values

Analytical constituents per 1kg 
Crude protein 26,2%
Crude fibre 2,3%
Crude fat 16,7%
Crude ash 6,7%
Moisture 8,0%
Calcium 1,3%
Phosphor 0,9%
Kcal (/kg ME) 3850

Additives per 1kg 
Vitamin A 18 000IU/IE
Vitamin D3 1800IU/IE
Vitamin E 195mg

Trace elements per 1kg 
Iron 51mg
Iodine 1,5mg
Zinc 108mg
Manganese 34mg
Copper 10mg
Selenium 0,1mg

Made in the Netherlands.

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