Horse chestnut seeds contain saponins, that have foaming and washing properties. Highly concentrated, yet very gentle, and eco-friendly gel, ideal for coloured laundry. Based on organic horse chestnut extract. The perfect choice for delicate wash, children´s clothing and cloth diapers. 33 washes.
Ingredients: 15-<30% chestnut extract (Aesculus hippocastanum), sodium carbonate, chelating agent (GLDA), glycerol, xanthan gum, organic lavender essential oil (Lavandula hybrida sp. Grosso), sodium benzoate, sodium bicarbonate, linalool*.
*from essential oil
We ship worldwide!
Insturctions for use: Hand washing: use approximately 8ml (1 cap) in a washbasin. Machine washing: for 4-5kg of laundry, use 8ml (1 cap) for soft water, 15ml (2 caps) for medium water or 24ml (3 caps) for hard water. For hard water we recommend using water softener. Washing temperature: If suitable for the material, the minimum temperature should be 40°C.
Warning! Contains linalool. May produce allergic reaction. Keep out of reach of children.
Made in Czech Republic.
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