Clinical studies have shown an improvement in skin elasticity and a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles after eight weeks of regular consumption of 5g of Naticol collagen peptides per day. Skin homogeneity and skin radiance also improve after eight weeks of consuming just 2,5g of Naticol collagen peptides per day.
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Ingredients: Naticol - collagen peptide (fish) powder 50%, maltodextrin, MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) powder, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera (L) Dune) root powder, strawberry flavour, stabilizer: cellulose, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), red beet concentrate [maltodextrin, red beet (Beta vulgaris) powder], sweetener: steviol glycosides from Stevia.
Usage: the recommended daily amount is 10g. Stir 10g of powder (2 scoops) into a glass of water (200ml) once a day, stir until dissolved and drink.
Daily dose (10g) contains: Naticol fish collagen 5000mg (5g), MSM 1000mg, Ashwagandha 200mg, vitamin C 200mg (250% NRV* – Nutritional Reference Value).
Warning! Do not exceed the daily recommended amount. The product must not be used as a substitute for a varied diet. It is important to have a varied and balanced diet and practice a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children!
Packaged in Slovenia.
Peale teist päeva tarbimist on mu nägu lõpuks ometi PUHAS. mina, kes olen alkoholiga liialdanud kunagi ja põdenud maksahaigust, olnud ahelsuitsetaja, need kõik maha jätnud. Teinud ravi c vitamiiniga ja tsingiga, lihtsalt peale kahte korda võtmist ma olen üllatunud, see tõesti mõjub, nägu on puhas igasugusest jamast, ma näen välja nagu 25, kuigi olen 35. Jumalaeest, tellige ja te ei kahetse, kui minusugune kunagine parm sai oma näo paremaks kõigestpaari päevaga, siis mis veel tervel inimesel. Üli hea kraam ja see investeering on seda väärt !!!!!