Genuine African black soap for smooth, blemish free skin. Ancient formula naturally breaks down dead skin revealing firmer, younger looking skin beneath. Its delicacy makes it the best soap in the world, suitable for all skin types for its delicately cleansing and moisturizing properties. Sensitive skin with eczema, acne, spots, dermatitis, will find in this soap a perfect natural ally.
Ingredients: Potassium Shea Butterate, Glycerin, Maris Sal, Plant Ash.
Made in Ghana
We ship worldwide!
Meie pere noorim sai abi oma aknele kalduva naha hooldusel. Pesi igal hommikul ja õhtul ja peale siis rasust nahka tasakaalustavat kreemi. Aitas hästi, punetus ja põletik taandusid!
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