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Geranium essential oil, 10ml / Herbes del Moli

Эфирное масло герани, 10мл

Price 18,60 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

Состав: 100% Pelargonium graveolens

Внимание! Чистое масло нельзя наносить на кожу! Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

Tea tree essential oil, 15ml / Sapone di un Tempo
Availability: 6 In Stock

Масло чайного дерева используется в ароматерапии как средство против бактерий, вирусов и грибковых заболеваний. Масло чайного дерева открывает дыхательные пути, снимая симптомы простуды и гриппа. Оно также используется для очистки ран, а также при мозолях и бородавках.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Зеленый чай"

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Иланг-иланг"

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 31 In Stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Кедр"

Price 4,35 €
Availability: 28 In Stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Благовония "Neroli"

Благовония "Neroli"

Price 4,35 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Ваниль"

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 12 In Stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Кокос"

Price 4,35 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Viiruk "Sandlipuu" / Auroshikha

Благовония "Корица"

Price 4,35 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Изготовленные вручную благовония. В упаковке 10г благовоний – это приблизительно 10 палочек.

Деревянная подставка для благовоний
Availability: 20 In Stock
Palo Santo Aromatic Sticks, 5pcs

Palo Santo Aromatic Sticks, 5pcs

Price 8,70 €
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Availability: Out of stock

The Palo Santo Aromatic Stick is a totally natural incense, with a characteristic aroma given by a magical mixture of aromatic compounds that develop and mature while the wood lies on the ground after the natural fall of the branches. The Palo Santo Aromatic Stick is burned to deeply purify the environments, both from bacteria and from negative energies and vibrations. It can be placed in various environments that require fumigation and is particularly suitable for creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation and relaxation of body and mind, which are predisposed to achieving balance and harmony. We only offer products that have been obtained from naturally fallen trees in Peru forests.

Base for Incense with Flowers

Base for Incense with Flowers

Price 12,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Ceramic base for incense.

Incense "Palo Santo", 14g

Incense "Palo Santo", 14g

Price 8,75 €
Availability: 45 In Stock

A precious blend of 45% Palo Santo and natural resins, gently hand-rolled into delicate incense sticks. Certified toxic-free.

NB! Do not breathe fumes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. The product should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to odors. Keep out of the reach of children. During use, incense should be kept at least 1m away from people in the same room.

Incense "Meditation", 26g

Incense "Meditation", 26g

Price 8,75 €
Availability: 18 In Stock

A precious blend of myrrh, benzoin oil and natural resins, gently hand-rolled into delicate incense sticks. Certified toxic-free.

NB! Do not breathe fumes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. The product should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to odors. Keep out of the reach of children. During use, incense should be kept at least 1m away from people in the same room.

Incense "Amber", 26g

Incense "Amber", 26g

Price 8,75 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

A precious blend of amber and natural resins, gently hand-rolled into delicate incense sticks. Certified toxic-free.

NB! Do not breathe fumes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. The product should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to odors. Keep out of the reach of children. During use, incense should be kept at least 1m away from people in the same room.

Incense "Rose", 26g

Incense "Rose", 26g

Price 8,75 €
Availability: 19 In Stock

A precious blend of rose essential oil and natural resins, gently hand-rolled into delicate incense sticks. Certified toxic-free.

NB! Do not breathe fumes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. The product should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to odors. Keep out of the reach of children. During use, incense should be kept at least 1m away from people in the same room.

Incense "Nag Champa", 26g

Incense "Nag Champa", 26g

Price 8,75 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

A precious blend of nag champa buds and natural resins, gently hand-rolled into delicate incense sticks. Certified toxic-free.

NB! Do not breathe fumes. Use only in well-ventilated areas. The product should be used with caution in case of hypersensitivity to odors. Keep out of the reach of children. During use, incense should be kept at least 1m away from people in the same room.

Palo Santo Aromatic Sticks, 5pcs in a Box

Palo Santo Aromatic Sticks, 5pcs in a Box

Price 9,90 €
Availability: 16 In Stock

The Palo Santo Aromatic Stick is a totally natural incense, with a characteristic aroma given by a magical mixture of aromatic compounds that develop and mature while the wood lies on the ground after the natural fall of the branches.

The Palo Santo Aromatic Stick is burned to deeply purify the environments, both from bacteria and from negative energies and vibrations. It can be placed in various environments that require fumigation and is particularly suitable for creating an atmosphere conducive to meditation and relaxation of body and mind, which are predisposed to achieving balance and harmony.

Also keeps flies and mosquitoes away, who do not like the scent of the Palo Santo.

Stain Remover for Fabrics, 500ml
2 Review(s)

Stain Remover for Fabrics, 500ml

Price 6,95 €
Availability: 508 In Stock

Pre-treatment stain remover, based on active oxygen, effective in removing stains. Does not contain synthetic fragrances, dyes, SLES or animal substances. 96% ingredients of natural origin. Nickel, chromium and cobalt <0.00004%.

How to use: spray directly on the stains and leave on for max 5 minutes. Continue washing, do not allow the product to dry. For delicate materials, we recommend trying the product in an inconspicuous place on the garment.

Bleach with Active Oxygen, 900ml

Bleach with Active Oxygen, 900ml

Price 8,40 €
Availability: 11 In Stock

Eco-bleach with active oxygen is ideal to bring back a brighter white and remove the most stubborn stains from whites and coloured fabrics. For the perfect laundry, add bleach to your favorite detergent directly into your washing machine or a basin if hand washing. It removes stains like tea, coffee, red wine, and many others. Effective even at low temperatures. Excellent also to deep clean floors and hard surfaces. It complies with the Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (ICEA) EcoDetergence standard, inspired by respect for the environment and mankind. No GMO, as per ICEA policy.

Laundry Detergent, Rose, 1l
1 Review(s)

Laundry Detergent, Rose, 1l

Price 9,85 €
Availability: 40 In Stock

For hand and machine washing. Laundry detergent enriched with ecological plant-based surfactants from renewable sources, washes clothes effectively and is suitable for sensitive skin. For white and colored garments. Active at low temperatures. This product complies with the Institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification (ICEA) EcoDetergence standard, inspired by respect for the environment and mankind. For 20 washes.

Unscented Rapeseed Wax Tealights 15pcs + Tealight Base

Price 11,55 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

Unscented rapeseed wax tealights with one tealight base made from glass. Features and benefits of rape seed wax: biodegradable, not tested on animals, produced from non-GMO raw material, kosher, non-allergenic, soot-free on burning. 

  • Burn candles out of reach of children and pets.
  • Do not burn candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!
  • Burning time ca 4-5h.

Made in Estonia.

Rapeseed Aroma Candle "Glogg", 30h

Price 11,50 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Features and benefits of rape seed wax: biodegradable, not tested on animals, produced from non-GMO raw material, kosher, non-allergenic, soot-free on burning. The aromatic oils used in our candles have been tested and produced specially for candles.

  • Burn candles out of reach of children and pets.
  • Do not burn candle on or near anything that can catch fire.
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!
  • Stop burning the candles if there is less then 1cm left!
  • Burning time ca 30h.

Made in Estonia.

Laundry Sheets "Sensitive", 16pcs
2 Review(s)

Laundry Sheets "Sensitive", 16pcs

Price 8,25 €
Availability: 159 In Stock

For colored and white laundry. Highly concentrated, hypoallergenic. 100% soluble. Does not contain: parabens, phosphates, 1,4-dioxane. Suitable for vegans.

Chemical composition: 15-30% anionic surfactants, <5% amphoteric surfactants, nonionic surfactants, aliphatic hydrocarbons, potassium sorbate.

Листы для стирки белья, 16шт
1 Review(s)

Листы для стирки белья, 16шт

Price 8,25 €
Availability: 318 In Stock

Для цветного и белого белья. Высококонцентрированный, гипоаллергенный продукт. 100% растворим. Не содержит: парабенов, фосфатов, 1,4-диоксана. Подходит для веганов.

Химический состав: 15-30% анионных поверхностно-активных веществ, <5% амфотерных поверхностно-активных веществ, неионогенные поверхностно-активные вещества, алифатические углеводороды, сорбат калия, отдушки, метилциннамат.