Ingredients: willow herb (Epilobii Angustii Herba).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
There are 9 products.
Ingredients: willow herb (Epilobii Angustii Herba).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: peppermint (Menthae longifolium).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: mallow (Malvae sylvestris flos).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: mullein (Verbasci flos).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: rasperry leaf (Rubus idaeus folium), catmint (Nepeta cataria), peppermint (Menthae longifolium), german camomile (Matricariae flos), pot marigold (Calendulae flos), mallow (Malvae sylvestris flos).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: raspberry leaves (Rubi idaei folium).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: lemon balm (Melissae folium), oregano (Origani herba), peppermint (Menthae piperitae folium), mallow (Malvae sylvestris flos).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: cornflower (Cyani flos).
Grown and produced in Estonia.
Ingredients: chanterelle
Use: food seasoning, no added salt.
Grown and produced in Estonia.