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Day Cream with Avocado and Carrot Oil, 50ml

Day Cream with Avocado and Carrot Oil, 50ml

Price 17,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Moisturizing cream, perfect for normal to dry skin, suitable for combination skin. Easily absorbed by the skin. The cream is enriched with carrot oil to rejuvenate the skin and give your skin a healthy glow. Carrot oil is rich in Carotene and vitamin E. Avocado oil is softening and moisturizing. Suitable for vegans.

Face and Body Scrub, 200ml

Face and Body Scrub, 200ml

Price 17,80 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Organic and Enviromentally friendly face and body scrub, studied to exfoliate and mousturize your skin in one move. It´s formulated with natural origin emulsifiers and actives and enriched with Almond and Hazelnut powder for a delicate and natural scrub; organic Aloe Vera juice, recent studies shown that it´s moisturizer and protective, thanks to its polysaccharides contents; Sweet Almond oil with its well known soothing effects; Shea butter, scientific studies shown its nourishing and emollient effects. A delicate peach flavour for pleasant moments. Vegan.

Colloidal silver 37ppm, 150ml

Price 13,65 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

High quality colloidal silver for any skin type. Regular use improves skin condition and appearance. The product has been dermatologically tested.


  • Cleans and regulates sebum production
  • Cares and helps to maintain the natural appearance of the skin
Emu Oil Infused with Blue Gum Eucalyptus, 60ml

Emu Oil Infused with Blue Gum Eucalyptus, 60ml

Price 38,05 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

Premium quality Australian Emu Oil is the most penetrative oil known to mankind. Its unique combination of Omega 3,6,9 / polyunsaturated fatty acids offers a rich emollient anti-inflammatory quality that has the ability to penetrate deeply to moisturise, hydrate and help treat dry skin conditions for more radiant healthy skin. Can be used on all skin areas and on the whole family; a gentle yet highly effective skin care product - skin food. Y-Not Natural Emu Oil is processed at high quality world standards – TGA, HACCP & GMP. 

Omega 369 Anti-wrinkle Oil with Vitamin C & E, 50ml

Omega 369 Anti-wrinkle Oil with Vitamin C & E, 50ml

Price 28,50 €
Availability: 10 In Stock

This anti-wrinkle formula is vital for helping to correct sun damage and provide an anti- ageing treatment for your skin – and it delivers fast results. The combination of pure Australian Emu Oil and natural Vitamin C & E, which are the major ingredients in this anti-wrinkle oil, help to combat sun damage on the face, neck, hands or any area of the body. Extensive research into the effects of combined use of pure Australian Emu Oil and Vitamin C & E, along with rose geranium, lemongrass and sandalwood essential oils will benefit in the protection of the skin from ageing. Our Omega 3 6 9 Australian Emu Oil is the highest quality and most biologically active pharmaceutical grade 100% pure oil on the market anywhere in the world. All processing is done in Australia.

Silver Toothbrush, Soft

Price 4,45 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

When ordering a toothbrush, please write to the comment field in the shopping cart, which of the four colors you would like to receive. If possible, we will send you the preferred color, but we may not always have all the colors in stock.

Silver Toothbrush is antibacterial effect much better than regular antibacterial toothbrush. It is double-bristle brush which adopts fine bristle to remove food particles between the teeth. Double-bristle brush of differentiated form from existing brushes is the most advanced brush which can gently massage gum.

Gold Ion Toothbrush, Soft

Price 4,45 €
Availability: 8 In Stock

When ordering a toothbrush, please write to the comment field in the shopping cart, which of the four colors you would like to receive. If possible, we will send you the preferred color, but we may not always have all the colors in stock.

Gold Ion Toothbrush is antibacterial effect much better than regular antibacterial toothbrush. It is double-bristle brush which adopts fine bristle to remove food particles between the teeth. Double-bristle brush of differentiated form from existing brushes is the most advanced brush which can gently massage gum.

Charcoal Toothbrush, Soft

Price 4,45 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

When ordering a toothbrush, please write to the comment field in the shopping cart, which of the four colors you would like to receive. If possible, we will send you the preferred color, but we may not always have all the colors in stock.

Charcoal Toothbrush is antibacterial effect much better than regular antibacterial toothbrush. It is double-bristle brush which adopts fine bristle to remove food particles between the teeth. Double-bristle brush of differentiated form from existing brushes is the most advanced brush which can gently massage gum.

Ultra Soft Toothbrush For Children (6-18 months)

Price 6,25 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Soft, sensitive and simply the best for your baby.

You only want the best for your baby, and so do we. As sensitive as it is effective, the Pure Baby® is exactly that — free of BPA, dyes, and harmful chemicals. Designed for the delicate teeth and gums of 6–18 month olds, it softly massages the whole mouth as it works to remove plaque buildup on your little one’s tiny teeth.

Natural Silk Floss, 30m

Price 6,65 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Soft and silky — the way floss was meant to be.

Flossing is an integral part of any thorough oral care regimen, but not all flosses are created equal. Our Natural Biodegradable Silk Floss® takes us back to a time before the nylon of today’s floss took over — when floss was made of pure, inviting, luxurious silk. Free from the toxins found in similar products, RADIUS®’ silk floss glides easily between teeth for a meticulously clean finish. Plus, our silk floss is the only biodegradable and compostable floss on the market today.

Mouthwash, Mint & Tea Tree, 500ml
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Mouthwash, Mint & Tea Tree, 500ml

Price 11,95 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

Formulated with vegetable and organic raw materials, the mouthwash is an effective tool for complete cleansing of the mouth. The high content of Aloe Vera with refreshing and decongestant properties and the Mint and Tea Tree oils leave a pleasant feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Suitable for vegans.

Neem oil, cold pressed, 100ml

Neem oil, cold pressed, 100ml

Price 16,25 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

Neem oil is cold-pressed from the cape seeds. In India, neem trees are known as "trees that cure all diseases"; in the Arabic language, the neem tree is called a "blessed tree." Neem oil is made up of various substances and resembles olive oil and cocoa powder in terms of the triterpenes and fatty acids (oleic acid, stearic acid) contained therein. This means that the neem oil has strong eudermic properties: it binds well to the hydrolipid film of the skin and has strong moisturizing and softening properties. Neem oil also has many other properties - it has anti-inflammatory, fungal and parasitic effects. It contains substances that help the body fight viruses, bacteria and fungi. An ideal natural pesticide for animals and plants. Suitable for vegans.

Rosemary floral water, 100ml

Rosemary floral water, 100ml

Price 6,55 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Organic Rosemary Floral Water is produced through distillation of Rosemary plants and flowers. With its fresh and delicate perfume, it purifies, refreshes and revitalizes skin and hair, performing a restorative action. Siutable for vegans.

Age Defence Day Cream, 50ml

Age Defence Day Cream, 50ml

Price 46,85 €
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Availability: Out of stock

A light daily formula that leaves the skin deeply moisturized and nourished. As result, skin has fresh and radiant glow, even in texture and tone. Calming effect on irritated, inflamed or allergic skin. Restores the natural balance of skin, stimulates collagen production and slows down the ageing. Berrichi day cream is a perfect base cream for makeup and it protects skin against UV radiation. Traditions and science meet in Berrichi. Cream´s key components are powerful algae-based antioxidants astaxanthin and furcellaran and super oils providing perfect combination of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. Cream is suitable for vegans and allergy sufferers. Ceam has not tested on animals and it´s free of parebens, silicones, mineral oils, synthetic flavours and colourants.

Anti-age face and body oil, 100ml / Sapone di un Tempo
Availability: 3 In Stock

Масло, борющееся с признаками старения. Увлажняющее и подтягивающее масло жожоба помогает другим маслам лучше действовать. Масла авокадо, винограда и черной смородины выравнивают морщинки, питают кожу антиоксидантами, способствуют образованию коллагена, подтягивают кожу и восстанавливают ее естественную защиту. Подходит для чувствительной кожи.

Мыло с улиточной слизью
Availability: 7 In Stock

Состав: Cocos Nucifera Oil, Aqua, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Parfum, Snail Secretion Filtrate, Citric Acid.

Изготовлено в Италии

Цветочная вода с лавандой
Availability: 3 In Stock

Цветочная вода или гидролат лаванды имеет успокаивающее, тонизирующее и антисептическое действие. Отличное тонизирующее средство для кожи с акне, сохраняет кожу поры чистыми. Подходит для детей. Синий флакон защищает от света, сохраняет витамины.

Масло из виноградных косточек, холодный отжим, 100мл
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Availability: Out of stock

Масло из виноградных косточек получают путем холодного прессования семян винограда. Масло тысячелетиями использовалось как средство против старения. Легкое масло содержит большое количество олеиновой кислоты и полифенолов, которые помогают бороться со свободными радикалами. Наносить масло вместо крема на кожу круговыми движениями, до полного впитывания.

Масло мускусной розы, холодный отжим, 100мл
Availability: 2 In Stock

Масло мускусной розы получают путем холодного прессования семян плодов. Это масло уже тысячи лет используют как эликсир красоты, которых сохраняет кожу молодой и подтянутой. Масло содержит важные жирные кислоты, которые восстанавливают и обновляют кожные ткани. Помогает при растяжках, ожогах и возрастных пятнах на коже.

Масло макадамии, холодный отжим, 100мл
Availability: 3 In Stock

Масло макадамии (Macadamia integrifolia) получают путем холодного отжима орехов макадамии, которые растут преимущественно в Австралии. Масло макадамии - источник жирных кислот, поэтому полезно для кожи. Впитывается быстро и не делает кожу жирной. Подходит для использования для сухой и стареющей кожи, для массажа и для восстановления кожи после загара. Масло макадамии делает волосы гладкими и легко расчесываемыми. Для использования на лице и теле необходимо налить пару капель масла на ладони и равномерно нанести легкими движениями на кожу. В качестве маски для волос необходимо наносить масло и на сухие чистые волосы. Веган.

Масло жожоба, холодный отжим, 100мл
1 Review(s)

Масло жожоба, холодный отжим, 100мл

Price 20,90 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Масло жожоба (Simmondsia chinensis) получают из плодов (орехов) растения симмондсия (ветвистый вечнозеленый кустарник) методом холодного прессования и технически это жидкий воск.

Масло жожоба хорошо впитывается в кожу и содержит увлажняющий витамин Е и много минералов.
Масло ростков пшеницы, холодный отжим, 100мл
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Availability: Out of stock

Масло ростков пшеницы (Triticum vulgare) холодного отжима  выделяется прежде всего высоким содержанием витамина Е. Оно содержит много антиоксидантов и защищает кожу от вредаб нанесенного свободными радикалами. Масло пшеничных ростков можно использовать вместо крема или добавлять в крем для лица и тела, чтобы сделать его более питательными.

Face & Hands Cleanser with Burdock, 350ml

Face & Hands Cleanser with Burdock, 350ml

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Face and hand cleansing gel with burdock root extract is naturally antibacterial and gentle for your skin. It is ideal for everyday use. It does not contain potentially hazardous ingredients for people or the environment. The formula also contains panthenol that moisturises and soothes the skin. Vegan.

Мицеллярная вода

Мицеллярная вода, 500мл

Price 24,55 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Нежная очищающая жидкость для снятия макияжа лица и глаз. Придает коже свежесть и чистоту. Уменьшает поры, глубоко очищает и увлажняет. Содержит гиалуроновую кислоту.

White Kaolin Clay Powder, 300g
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White Kaolin Clay Powder, 300g

Price 9,85 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Naturally soft, ultra-ventilated white clay powder. Raw material for external use.

Ingredients: Kaolin (White Clay).

Made in France.