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Red Wine Merlot

Red Wine Merlot, 750ml

Price €12.95
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Availability: Out of stock

Clear, deep ruby ​​red colour with full and fragrant bouquet with delicate aroma reminiscent of raspberry, blackberry and blueberry. Pleasant and dry, savory with a pleasant, lingering aftertaste.

Suitable for red meat dishes, roasts, poultry, rabbit and cheese grained hard and mature seeds. Excellent with seitan and tofu.

Attention! Alcohol can affect your health! 

White Wine Pinot Grigio
  • -30%

White Wine Pinot Grigio, 750ml

Regular price €13.90 Price €9.73
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Availability: Out of stock
Pinot Grigio 100%
Friuli Grave
Guyot 3.333 ceppi/ha
12,5 % vol
+/- 12 C°
less than 90 mg/l
by hand, last decade of August

Made in Italy.