The organic form of sulphur.
Origin: China
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MSM is located in plants and contains sulphur. Sulphur is an important element in the human body. Among other things, it is the building block of protein.
MSM is produced by algae bloom in the oceans and then it evaporates into clouds. In the rain form, it falls back to earth and becomes food and nutrient to all terrestrial organisms. MSM is highly concentrated in plants exposed to heavy rain - bark of pine trees, wild grasses, Aloe Vera, etc... MSM is obtained by extraction from these plants and is available as crystals.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), a dietary supplement
Recommended daily intake is 3-6g (1/2-2 teaspoons). Mix in the beverage with Vitamin C (e.g. lemonade). In combination with vitamin C, MSM has better absorption. We recommend consuming the beverage in the morning on an empty stomach.
Recommended daily intake should not be exceeded. Keep out of reach of children! It is not recommended for use during pregnancy or lactation. Dietary supplement should not be used as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet.
Igatahes, mul hakkas süda lööke vahele jätma ja muud taolised jamad. Pidi ka maksale aitama, aga mul tuli vastupidine efekt. Ootan kuna näitajad taastuvad ja proovin siis uuesti. Soovitan juua mahlaga, sest maitse on ülimalt vastik :) Ühesõnaga, juuksed, küüned jne on korras, ma lihtsalt tahaks oma jumet näos tagasi! Keegi oskab soovitada midagi? Suhteliselt kopp on ees, et välja minnes pean kasutama jumestuskreemi.
Hakkasin tarbima, et oma rikutud juukseid aidata. Toimis. Ja mu põlved ei naksu enam. Trenni tehes asendamatu - ei lase lihasevalul tekkida.