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Порошок из конопли , 250г / пищевые добавки
  • -43%
Availability: 9 In Stock
Протеиновый порошок конопли производится из семян конопли, из которых методом холодного прессования остается тн осадок. Этот осадок измельчают при низкой температуре и извлекают самые маленькие частицы. Белок конопли содержит мин. 50% белка, 21 аминокислоту, подходящую человеку (в том числе 8 незаменимых аминокислот, которые не производится в организме человека)​​. Веган.
Гуарана, 125г / пищевые добавки
  • -43%
Availability: 1 In Stock

Гуарана (Paullinia cupana) растет в дождевых лесах в амазонской части Бразилии. Ее семена и порошк, полученный из них, имеет похожие на кофеиновые свойства. Гуарана содержит в три раза больше кофеина, чем кофейные зерна, кофеин, происходящий из нее, высвобождается медленнее, оказывая более длительное стимулирующее действие. Веган.

Продукт нельзя использовать людям, имеющим проблемы с сердцем!

Порошок из всходов ячменя, 125г / пищевые добавки
  • -43%
Availability: 20 In Stock

Порошок, богатый хлорофиллом, помогает регулировать уровень рН в организме, нейтрализует кислотность. Очищает организм, помогает восстановить повреждения ДНК благодаря содержанию белка P4D1. Содержит 20 аминокислот, включая 8 незаменимых аминокислот. Содержит много фолиевой кислоты, калия, магния, меди, фосфора, марганца, цинка, бета-каротин, витамины B1, B2, B6 и K. Веган.

Ашвагандха, 125г / пищевые добавки
  • -56%
6 Review(s)

Ашвагандха, 125г / пищевые добавки

Regular price 12,08 € Price 5,31 €
Availability: 52 In Stock

After we burn energy and the stress does not let us sleep.

  • 100 % organic production
  • Raises energy level
  • Rejuvenates
  • Relaxes
  • Protects from stress
  • Improves memory and learning capability
  • Contributes to emotional stability
  • Vegan

Origin: China

Порошок из люцерны, 250г / пищевые добавки
  • -43%
Availability: 15 In Stock
Люцерна богата белком и содержит натуральный фтор, который укрепляет зубы. Она также содержит витамины A, E, U, В6, С и D и многие минералы. Люцерна помогает организму очиститься. Подходит для профилактики проблем с костями и суставами, укрепляет, улучшает кровь. Улучшает аппетит, обмен веществ, пищеварение и иммунитет. Веган.
Порошок из ягоды асаи
  • -43%
Availability: 15 In Stock
Асаи является самой питательной ягодой. Асаи содержит больше антиоксидантов, чем любой другой съедобный плод на Земле. Содержит жирные кислоты Омега 3, Омега 6 и Омега 9, витамины А, В1, В2, В3, С и Е; минеральные соли кальция, фосфора, железа и йода калия. Укрепляет иммунную систему, улучшает обмен веществ, хороша для похудения, придает вам энергию. Подходит для детейВеган.
Напиток с коллагеном и гиалуроновой кислотой, 30x20мл / пищевая добавка
  • -58%
Availability: 5 In Stock

Пищевая добавка для здоровья волос, кожи и ногтей содержит все необходимое для предотвращения воздействия погоды, загрязнения и солнца на кожу и волосы, а также для обновления запасов коллагена в организме.

Vitamin K2 (200mcg), 120 capsules / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 3 In Stock

The designation Vitamin K stands for a multitude of special, fat-soluble compounds which cannot be formed by the human body and therefore have to be included in our dietary intake. Amongst other things, Vitamin K ensures that calcium is brought into the bones and does not form deposits in the arteries and blood vessels. Vitamin K is also involved in normal blood coagulation processes.

  • For normal blood coagulation
  • For the maintenance of normal bones
Витамин C 600мг, 180 капсул / пищевые добавки
  • -63%
Availability: 5 In Stock

Защитные силы организма важны не только в дождливое и холодное время года или при интенсивных физических нагрузках. Как показывают все большее количество исследований, витамин С приносит пользу всему организму! Капсулы витамина C 600 Supra содержат высокие дозы витамина C для поддержки собственных защитных сил организма, защиты клеток и нормального функционирования кровеносных сосудов, костей, хрящей, кожи и зубов. Достаточно одной капсулы в день!

Milk Thistle Capsules, 90pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
1 Review(s)

Milk Thistle Capsules, 90pcs / dietary supplement

Regular price 22,51 € Price 15,76 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Nutritional supplement with milk thistle (Silybum marianum), choline and zinc. Each capsule contains 200mg dry extract of milk thistle fruits, standardised to a minimum content of 80% silymarin.

Magnesium 400 direct powder, 60x2,1g / dietary supplement
  • -30%
1 Review(s)

Magnesium 400 direct powder, 60x2,1g / dietary supplement

Regular price 24,40 € Price 17,08 €
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Availability: Out of stock

In the human body, magnesium takes on diverse, important tasks by contributing, amongst other things, to:

  • Normal muscular function, especially in those who do sport or exercise. Magnesium thus promotes well-being – including at night – with eased, relaxed muscles and calves.
  • The retention of sturdy, healthy bones and teeth
  • A healthy energy metabolism and the reduction of fatigue and tiredness
  • Normal nervous system and psyche functions

Magnesium 400 direct powder can be taken without liquid and dissolves directly in the mouth. Pleasant raspberry flavour. The 400 mg magnesium sachet is already a high dose, meaning that one of these per day is sufficient! Practical fast and simple, meaning that it is also ideal when travelling.

Vitamin E 200 IU Capsules, 240pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
1 Review(s)

Vitamin E 200 IU Capsules, 240pcs / dietary supplement

Regular price 24,28 € Price 16,99 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Vitamin E is one of the fat-soluble vitamins our body needs but cannot produce itself. It therefore relies on sufficient supply through nutrition. As recently confirmed by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) vitamin E as an anti-oxidant makes a contribution towards protecting the cells against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be caused by smoking, increased UV radiation or other environmental influences.

Each Vitamin E 200 I.U. capsule contains 134 mg natural Vitamin E., corresponding with 200 International Units (I.U.).

Фолиевая кислота + йод, 240 таблеток / пищевые добавки
  • -52%
Availability: 8 In Stock

Фолиевая кислота и йодид важны для здорового физического и умственного развития. Помимо прочего, фолиевая кислота способствует росту тканей матери во время беременности, а также нормальному синтезу аминокислот и гемопоэзу. Йодид поддерживает нормальный энергетический обмен и когнитивные функции, то есть все те процессы в мозге, которые касаются мышления, чувств, восприятия и т.д.

Glucosamin Chondroitin Plus Drinking Powder, 30x14g / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 13 In Stock

Glucosamine Chondroitin Plus Drinking Powder supplements the daily diet with vitamin C and manganese which are important for cartilage structure, flexibility and resilience of the joints, especially knees and hips. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation, which is necessary for a healthy function of cartilage and bone. Manganese helps maintain healthy bones and connective tissue. Also recommended for athletes after season of training.

Vitamin D3 (2000IU) Mono-Tablets, 150pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 27 In Stock

Vitamin D is essential for many vital functions. Vitamin D3, the active form of the vitamin in the body, plays an important role in achieving strong bones and teeth, a vitalised immune system and healthy muscle functions. The body can produce vitamin D itself through the sun's rays, which is why it is also referred to as the "sun vitamin". Young people and older people can suffer a vitamin D deficiency, generally in the winter months, but also due to our modern lifestyles, which is why a nutritional supplement is recommended.

Each capsule contains 50μg vitamin D3 corresponding with 2000 I.U (1000% NRV* - Nutrient Reference Values).

Omega-3 Supra-1000 mg, 120 capsules / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 14 In Stock

An important source of the omega-3 fatty acids are DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, min. 20%) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid, min. 30%), which have been proven to contribute to a normal heart function (starting from a daily intake of 250 mg). Folic acid and the vitamins B1, B6, B12 and E have a supporting effect. Folic acid normalizes homocysteine levels. Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine - contributes to normal cardiac function. The vitamins B6 and B12 help the body produce red blood cells, which carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Vitamin E helps protect cells against oxidative stress.

Витамин С, с замедленным действием, 120шт / пищевая добавка
  • -55%
Availability: 39 In Stock

Каждая таблетка содержит 300мг медленно выдеяющегося витамина C.

Состав: очищенная и микрокристаллическая целлюлоза (наполнитель), витамин С (36%), гидроксипропилметилцеллюлоза (наполнитель), стеарат магния (антиадгезив).

Применение: 1 таблетка утром до еды с большим количеством воды

Melatonin (1mg) tablets, 120pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
1 Review(s)

Melatonin (1mg) tablets, 120pcs / dietary supplement

Regular price 19,76 € Price 13,83 €
Availability: 17 In Stock

Melatonin is an endogenous "sleep hormone" that plays an important part in controlling the day/night rhythm. If required, it can be used as gentle sleeping aid, since independent researchers of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have confirmed that melatonin contributes to shortening the time it takes to fall asleep. Furthermore, it can help the body to adapt to changing sleeping times, such as when working in shifts or after long-distance flights (jet lag). 

Magnesium 400 supra, 120capsules / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 3 In Stock

1 capsule contains 400 mg pure magnesium and is enough to cover the daily magnesium requirement for adults!

Just like vitamins, magnesium is one of the essential nutrients the human body needs to stay healthy but cannot produce on it’s own. The essential mineral is found mainly in the bones, muscle cells and blood. Magnesium contributes towards:

  • Normal muscle function
  • Reduction of tiredness and fatigue 
  • Normal metabolic energy rate 
  • Electrolyte balance 
  • Maintenance of normal bones and teeth 
  • Normal nervous system function 
  • Normal physical function

Magnesium also has a cell division function.

Calcium + Vitamin D3 Tablets, 150pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
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Availability: Out of stock

A sensible combination for the support of your bone health. Calcium maintains our skeleton stable and fix. The meaning of vitamin D3 lies in the additional facility of the absorption of calcium through the organism. Moreover, the vitamin performs many important functions like maintaining healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Three calcium + vitamin D3-tablets contain as much calcium as 1 litre milk! Each tablet contains 400mg pure calcium + 10µg vitamin D3 (corresponding to 400 I.U.) for strong bones.

Black Cumin Oil Capsules, 180pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 14 In Stock

The pure, Egyptian cold-pressed oil from the seeds of the genuine black cumin (Nigella sativa) is widely-known to be a precious gift from Nature. Its diverse applications have been recorded now for over 2,000 years. And to add to your health still further, we have added Vitamin E, which helps to protect the body's cells against oxidative stress. In addition, the product features pantothenic acid and folic acid, which unfold their effects in various aspects of our metabolism. This combination is rounded off with biotin, which is important for the skin and mucous membranes, and Vitamin D for a healthy, active immune system.

Hyaluronic Acid Capsules (400mg), 120pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
Availability: 4 In Stock

Hyaluronic acid is a natural element of the skin, connective tissue, fluid in the joints (synovia, joint lubrication) and cartilage. Its ability to absorb large amounts of water is remarkable. Vitamin C contributes towards normal production of collagen, and therefore the normal, healthy function of bones, cartilage and skin. Each capsule contains 80mg vitamin C and 400mg pure hyaluronic acid.

Organic Argan Oil, Cold Pressed, 100ml
  • -30%

Organic Argan Oil, Cold Pressed, 100ml

Regular price 26,72 € Price 18,70 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

This valuable Organic Argan Oil form the moroccan Argan Tree consists of approximately 80% of biologically active unsaturated fatty acids, particularly linoleic and oleic acid, that contribute to the preservation of a normal cholesterol level in the blood (from 10 g linoleic acid/day) which corresponds to about 30g of Organic Argan Oil. With its typical flavor it is particularly suitable for refining salads and warm dishes but it can also be used undiluted (1-3 teaspoons daily). Well suited for external care of dry and rough skin.

Organic Black Cumin Oil, 100ml
  • -57%

Organic Black Cumin Oil, 100ml

Regular price 17,32 € Price 7,37 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Organic black cumin oil is produced from the seed of Nigella sativa. By the gently cold-pressing and the filtration afterwards a clear, brownish oil with an aromatic smell and spicy taste is won. Organic black cumin oil contains a high proportion of biologically active, polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid which, with a daily intake of 10g, contributes to a normal cholesterol level. This corresponds to 20g Black Cumin Oil. Black cumin oil is also suitable for external application, helps especially to treat impure skin.

Ashwagandha (600mg) Capsules, 60pcs / dietary supplement
  • -30%
2 Review(s)

Ashwagandha (600mg) Capsules, 60pcs / dietary supplement

Regular price 14,88 € Price 10,42 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), better known in this country as the poison gooseberry, winter cherry or Indian ginseng, is a widespread plant of the nightshade family. Because of its diverse properties, Ashwagandha has played a significant role as a complementary food for millennia. Use of the plant has an especially long tradition in India. Today Ashwagandha is one of the best studied plants, with special attention to the contained withanolides; secondary phytochemicals. Each of our capsules contains 600mg Ashwagandha extract.

Ingredients: Ashwagandha Extract (85 %), Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, Maltodextrin, separating agent Magnesium Stearate.