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Pouch Strawberry, 100g
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Pouch Strawberry, 100g

Price 2,20 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

The favorite fruit of many children is still the strawberry. In our Quetschie the strawberry comes together with banana and apple and is a welcome companion on all trips. Mogli Quetschies are not only practical, but also of special organic quality. All ingredients come from biodynamic agriculture and are grown according to the highest organic standards. As a result, they retain their original fruity taste.

Ingredients: apple* 60%, banana* 20%, strawberry* 20%.

*from biodynamic farming

**from organic farming

Pouch Cocoa, 100g
  • New

Pouch Cocoa, 100g

Price 2,20 €
Availability: 7 In Stock

Cocoa, banana and apple - that's all. If you love the taste of cocoa but want to avoid artificial sugar additives and flavors, you should definitely take our Cocoa Quetschie with you on your next adventure. Mogli Quetschies are not only practical, but also of special organic quality. All ingredients come from biodynamic agriculture and are grown according to the highest organic standards. As a result, they retain their original intense taste. Gluten free.

Ingredients: apple* 50%, banana* 49%, cocoa** 1%.

*from biodynamic farming

**from organic farming

No Perfume Baby Body Lotion, 250ml

No Perfume Baby Body Lotion, 250ml

Price 13,90 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

A light fragrance free face and body lotion for the delicate baby skin. Enriched with nourishing plant oils and shea butter that help the soft baby skin to stay soft, protected and moisturized.

No Perfume Baby Body Oil, 100ml
  • −20%

No Perfume Baby Body Oil, 100ml

Regular price 17,40 € Price 13,92 €
Availability: 5 In Stock

A light fragrance free baby body oil based on three nourishing pure plant oils to protect and provide extra care for the delicate baby skin. Perfect for baby massage or pregnant bellies. Can also be used in the bath water.

Lasten hammastahna, mansikka-aloe

Lasten hammastahna, mansikka-aloe, 75ml

Price 6,10 €
Availability: 52 In Stock

Specific toothpaste for baby´s teeth with a low level of abrasiveness. It helps to prevent tooth decay and ensures the hygiene of the oral cavity. It contains organic Aloe Vera and Mallow extract with their well known soothing and calming properties. Without fluoride. Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt <0,00004%.

Bema Baby – Bubble Bath + Fluid Cream Box
  • −40%

Bema Baby – Bubble Bath + Fluid Cream Box

Regular price 19,90 € Price 11,94 €
Availability: 9 In Stock

The set includes Bubble Bath (250ml) and Fluid Cream (250ml). 

Bubble Bath –  mild and safe formula cleanses your baby’s skin while soothing and moisturising it. SLES-free. This feature makes this product gentle on the skin allowing for frequent use and ensuring dermocompatibility and daily hydration. 

Fluid Cream – extraordinary consistency makes this easy-to-spread and rapidly absorbed cream an irreplaceable skincare product for the delicate skin of our babies.

Bema Baby – Bubble Bath + Shampoo Box

Bema Baby – Bubble Bath + Shampoo Box

Price 21,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

The set includes Bubble Bath (250ml) and Shampoo (250ml). 

Bubble Bath –  mild and safe formula cleanses your baby’s skin while soothing and moisturising it. SLES-free. This feature makes this product gentle on the skin allowing for frequent use and ensuring dermocompatibility and daily hydration. 

Shampoo – Mild shampoo that safely cleanses, moisturises and softens the hair. Ideal for children aged two years and up, because that’s when scalp secretion changes and the hair becomes stronger, thereby requiring more effective cleansing. Its organic ingredients protect children’s health and the environment.

Baby Delicate Shampoo with Rice Flower, 500ml

Baby Delicate Shampoo with Rice Flower, 500ml

Price 10,45 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Delicate Baby Shampoo - Rice Flowers, with surfactants of plant origin and enriched with precious ingredients that make baby’s hair soft and clean. Organic orange blossom water tones and regenerates skin. Sweet almond oil has nourishing and soothing properties. Wild pansy extract has eudermic and purifying properties. Aloe vera has soothing, emollient, and protective properties. Rice extract is a natural source of vitamin E, protects skin, and nourishes and moisturizes.

Baby Sweet Diaper Change Cream, 150ml

Baby Sweet Diaper Change Cream, 150ml

Price 6,90 €
Availability: 17 In Stock

Delicate Baby Diaper Change Cream - Rice Flowers, formulated with natural ingredients. A diaper change cream with specific ingredients that improve hydration and protect baby's delicate skin. Organic orange blossom water tones and regenerates skin. Sweet almond oil has nourishing and soothing properties. Wild pansy extract has eudermic and purifying properties. Aloe vera has soothing, emollient, and protective properties. Rice starch has soothing and moisturizing properties.

Baby Body Oil with Rice Flower, 100ml

Baby Body Oil with Rice Flower, 100ml

Price 6,90 €
Availability: 12 In Stock

A delicate nourishing oil formulated with only ingredients of natural origin, suitable for the sensitive skin of newborns and babies. Wheat protein and rice oil is gently emollient, a natural source of Vitamin E, protects and regenerates. Organic sesame oil protects from UV rays and is a delicate nourishment for sensitive skin. Chamomile extract has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and soothing properties, and it also calms and softens.

Nourishing and Moisturizing Oil for Babies, 125ml
  • −30%

Nourishing and Moisturizing Oil for Babies, 125ml

Regular price 13,10 € Price 9,17 €
Availability: 11 In Stock

Light and 100% natural, it moisturizes and nourishes your baby´s skin. It absorbs quickly and is ideal for after bath. Tender Caress Oil helps the skin regain tone and freshness preventing the formulation of unpleasant odours. It moisturizes the skin leaving it smooth and supple without altering its pH. Useful for the gradual removal of cradle cap, it is also ideal for baby massages.

Lasten hammastahna kehäkukalla ja kalsiumilla, 75ml

Lasten hammastahna kehäkukalla ja kalsiumilla, 75ml

Price 8,70 €
Availability: 12 In Stock

Fluoriton hammastahna kehäkukalla ja kalsiumilla. Ei sisällä keinotekoisia väri-, säilöntä- eikä tuoksuaineita. Ei sisällä silikoneja, parafiinia eikä mineraaliöljyjä. 

Lasten hammastahna Tuttifrutti, 75ml

Lasten hammastahna Tuttifrutti, 75ml

Price 6,15 €
Availability: 41 In Stock

Lasten suosikki, miellyttävä hedelmäinen maku. Ei sisällä fluoridia. Sopii 6-vuotiaasta alkaen.

Hellävarainen lasten shampoo kehäkukalla, 250ml

Hellävarainen lasten shampoo kehäkukalla, 250ml

Price 8,70 €
Availability: 14 In Stock

Muuta lapsesi hiukset ihmeellisesti puhtaaksi ja pehmeäksi! Magnolian kuoriuute huolehtii lapsesi päänihosta, aloe vera ja glyseriini kosteuttavat ja ravitsevat hiuksia.

Pesuaine vauvan tarvikkeille

Pesuaine vauvan tarvikkeille, 500ml

Price 5,35 €
Availability: 229 In Stock

Nestemäinen pesuaine tuttipulloille, vauvan astioille, tuteille ja muille tarvikkeille, joiden kanssa imeväiset ovat kosketuksissa. Käytä 10-15ml/5l vettä. On suositeltavaa, että kaikki alle vuoden ikäisen lapsen suuhun joutuvat esineet steriloidaan pesun ja huuhtelun jälkeen. 

Pesugeel beebiriietele, 1l / Baby Anthyllis

Vauvojen pyykinpesugeeli, 1l

Price 10,95 €
Availability: 69 In Stock

Erityisesti lasten herkälle iholle suunniteltu pyykinpesugeeli. Ei sisällä haitallisia fosfaatteja, eikä alkyylejä. Tuote on dermatologisesti testattu; tuloksena  "ei ärsytä herkkää ihoa”. Puhdistavat aineet ja tuoksun antavat luomuviljellyt eteeriset öljyt.
Paketista riittää 22:ksi käyttökerraksi.

Sanitizing Multipurpose Spray, 500ml / Baby Anthyllis
1 Review(s)

Yleisspray vauvan tarvikkeille, 500ml

Price 4,90 €
Availability: 129 In Stock
Mukavassa spraypullossa oleva tuote soveltuu käytettäväksi perheissä, joissa on pieniä lapsia, sillä se puhdistaa tehokkaasti kaikki pinnat, huonekalut ja esineet, joita lapsi voi koskettaa. Puhdistavat ja antibakteeriset ominaisuudet ovat peräisin orgaanisesta teepuuöljystä, joka auttaa pääsemään eroon bakteereista ja sienistä. Tuote on ICEA-standardin mukainen ja sen tehokkuus on testattu.
Lasten suihkusaippua-shampoo, 400ml
2 Review(s)

Lasten suihkusaippua-shampoo, 400ml

Price 9,55 €
Availability: 11 In Stock

Erityinen puhdistusaine lasten hellän ihon ja hiusten pesuun luomu pinta-aktiivisilla ainesosilla, mitä on täydennetty riisiproteiinilla ja hibiscusuutteella. Dermatologisesti testattu herkällä iholla. 

Baby Anthyllis delicate liquid soap con Camomilla, 300ml

Hellävarainen vauvan suihkugeeli kehäkukalla, 300ml

Price 7,35 €
Availability: 22 In Stock

Nestemäinen pesugeeli vauvan herkälle iholle päivittäiseen käyttöön. Pohjana oliivi- ja kehäkukkaöljy. Sopii käsien, vartalon ja intiimialueen pesuun. Vauvan nestemäinen saippua sisältää kahta hellävaraista pinta-aktiivista ainetta, jotka ovat valmistettu luomuoliiviöljystä. Saippua sisältää luomukehäkukan uutetta, jolla on tulehdusta estävä ja ihoa hoitava vaikutus. Sopii lapsen fysiologisen pH:n kanssa. Dermatologisesti testattu. Vegaani.

Baby toothpaste with vanilla, 75ml / Ecosi
1 Review(s)

Lasten hammastahna, vanilja, 75ml

Price 3,95 €
Availability: 47 In Stock

Hammastahna perheen pikkuisille. Matala vaahtoinen hammastahna sisältää kamomilla-uutetta ja ksylitolia, jotka estävät kariesta. Kalsiumlaktaatti on välttämätön maitohampaiden normaalin kehityksen kannalta. Vegaani.

Käyttö: Aseta pieni määrä hammastahnaa lapsen hammasharjalle ja anna hänen harjata hampaansa valvonnassasi. 

Vauvan puhdistuspyyhkeet
2 Review(s)

Vauvan puhdistuspyyhkeet, 60kpl

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 16 In Stock

Thanks to the presence of Chamomile, Aloe and Glycerin, with their well known moisturizing, soothing and lenitive properties, the wet wipes are ideal for a gentle cleansing of the baby's skin. The product is manufactured by using soft viscose, the fabric is made up of biodegradable and compostable fibres. Use for nappy changing and general skin cleansing of the baby (hands, face, etc.).