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Cleansing Wipes with Aloe Vera, 25pcs
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Cleansing Wipes with Aloe Vera, 25pcs

Price 5,20 €
Availability: 13 In Stock

A straightforward and easy way to cleanse normal or combination skin. The moist cleansing wipes are pH neutral for the skin, alcohol-free and ideal for travelling. Gentle cleansing of make-up, dirt particles and excess sebum. The wipes are made from cellulose from sustainably managed forests.

Face & Hand Cleanser with Chamomile Hydrolate, 300ml

Face & Hand Cleanser with Chamomile Hydrolate, 300ml

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 12 In Stock

Biocontè face & hand delicate cleanser is formulated to gently cleanse the skin of the hands and face. lt contains organic orange flower extract, with its known antiseptic and refreshing properties. The formula also contains chamomile hydrolate, known for its soothing and emollient properties. Dermatologically tested on sensitive skins.

Purifying Cleansing Foam, Cactus, 150ml

Purifying Cleansing Foam, Cactus, 150ml

Price 10,95 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

Intensive cleansing is the basis for beautiful skin! But intensive should not mean aggressive. Our Cactus Cleansing Foam profoundly cleanses your skin of dirt and impurities without attacking it. The nourishing active ingredients of prickly pear seed oil and argan oil moisturize your skin while washing. In addition, grapefruit and cactus flower extracts improve your skin's elasticity and give it a silky glow. The oils are non-comedogenic, which is why the wash gel is also effective for oily skin. As a result, your skin feels fresh and is optimally prepared for further care.

The Remover Foaming Oil Cleanser Cactus, Cactus, 100ml

The Remover Foaming Oil Cleanser Cactus, Cactus, 100ml

Price 13,85 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

An intense cleansing is at the base of beautiful skin! Though, intensive does not necessarily need to mean aggressive. Our Remover Oil Cleanser frees your skin from dirt, impurities and waterproof make-up without attacking it. The nurturing ingredients from the contained prickly pear seed oil and squalane provide your skin with moisture and support your skins barrier due to re-fattening properties. The oils are non-comedogenic. Thus, the cleansing oil is also suitable for oily skin, but especially for all other skin types. Your skin will feel refreshed and will be optimally prepared for the next steps of your skin care routine.

The Beautifier Face Wash & Peeling Gel, Cactus, 125ml

The Beautifier Face Wash & Peeling Gel, Cactus, 125ml

Price 8,70 €
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Availability: Out of stock

With our Wash & Peeling Gel, your skin is cleansed and gently freed from dead skin cells with the help of castor beads. Your pores can breathe freely again, and impurities have no chance. Already during washing, your skin is cared for with our Wash & Peeling Gel: It contains prickly pear seed oil and prickly pear flower water, which supply your skin with moisture and store it for a long time. So you're optimally prepared for your skincare routine.

Cleansing Milk with Strawberry Juice & Shea Butter, 250ml

Cleansing Milk with Strawberry Juice & Shea Butter, 250ml

Price 10,90 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

This cleansing milk make-up remover has a soft texture, leaving your skin clean and naturally hydrated. The Shea butter nourishes your skin, while the strawberry juice provides mineral salts and vitamins for a healthy and radiant complexion.

Fragrance Free Cleansing Foam for Sensitive Skin, 150ml

Fragrance Free Cleansing Foam for Sensitive Skin, 150ml

Price 10,95 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Urtekram Fragrance Free Find Balance Gentle Cleansing Foam for sensitive skin with moisturizing aloe vera. Gently removes impurities and makeup without drying out or irritating the skin. With conditioning ingredients to help the skin feel clean, smooth and look healthy and balanced. Allergy certified. For all skin types.

Anti-Imperfection Cleansing Foam with Prebiotics, 125ml

Anti-Imperfection Cleansing Foam with Prebiotics, 125ml

Price 16,45 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

A certified facial cleansing foam that effectively cleanses impurities and purifies the skin in depth without attacking it. Thanks to its natural prebiotics, it helps oily or acne-prone skin to regain its balance!

Facial Cleansing Foam for Kids, 100ml

Price 14,50 €
Availability: 3 In Stock

Here’s a gentle way to wash children’s faces and sensitive skin without drying them out! TOOFRUIT Organic Douce Mousse foaming water is easy to use, non-stinging and for everyday cleansing. Its pleasant, airy texture gives a delicious sensation of softness, like a creamy cloud caressing your cheeks! Cleansing your face becomes child’s play! Suitable for children 5+.

2in1 Makeup Remover & Micellar Gel for Sensitive Skin, 150ml
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2in1 Makeup Remover & Micellar Gel for Sensitive Skin, 150ml

Price 20,00 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Make-up remover and cleanser in one product. This Cleansing Micellar Gel does not contain oils. It gently removes make-up, cleansing skin and removing impurities. Natùrys micellar gel gently removes make-up form the eyes and face. The skin is instantly fresh, soothed and more elastic. Its formula gently removes make-up from any skin, even the most sensitive.

Kasvojen puhdistusvaahto vihreällä teellä, 150ml
3 Review(s)

Kasvojen puhdistusvaahto vihreällä teellä, 150ml

Price 8,10 €
Availability: 25 In Stock

Pehmeä vaahto puhdistaa hellästi ihon poistamalla epäpuhtaudet, meikit ja ympäristösaasteen jäämäät. Vihreän teen uute suojaa ihoa vapaiden radikaalien vaikutukselta. Täydellinen myös herkälle iholle. 98% ainesosista ovat luonnollista alkuperää. Dermatologisesti testattu.

Puhdistusvaahto, 150ml

Puhdistusvaahto, 150ml

Price 12,90 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Erittäin silkkinen koostumus, johon on lisätty luomu viinirypälekuoria, Sisilian sitruuneja, luomuvehnäleseitä ja Terntinon omenoita. Vaahdon jälkeen iho on puhdas ja ihon väri on tasainen.

Puhdistusgeeli kasvoille ja käsille lasipullossa, 280ml
  • −30%
Availability: 34 In Stock

Sopii myös hyvin herkälle iholle hellävaraisesti puhdistettavien kasviperäisten öljyjen pinta-aktiivisten aineiden ansiosta. Puhdistusgeelin koostumus on täydennetty kataja-uutteella. Dermatologisesti testattu.

Talineritystä tasapainottava kasvopuhdistusgeeli, 150ml

Talineritystä tasapainottava kasvopuhdistusgeeli, 150ml

Price 19,00 €
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Availability: Out of stock

Kevyesti vaahtoava ja happamainen puhdistusgeeli oliivilehdillä, hydroksihapoilla, Toscanan kastanjalla ja sypressillä. Puhdistava, tehokkaasti kuoriva, talineritystä tasapainottava, kosteuttava, rauhoittava, antioksidantteja. Kasvoille ja alueille, joissa suurentunut talin eritys. Komedogeeniselle iholle, aknesta kärsiville, rasvaiselle ja sekaiholle. Sopii sekä nuorelle että kypsälle iholle. Funktionaaliset ainesosat yhdessä puhtaamman, terveemmän, sileämmän ja tasaisemman ihon saavuttamiseen. Dermatologisesti ja nikkeli-testattu.

Puhdistusgeeli kasvoille ja käsille, takiajuuri, 350ml

Puhdistusgeeli kasvoille ja käsille, takiajuuri, 350ml

Price 4,95 €
Availability: 36 In Stock

Takiaisen juuren uutetta sisältävä puhdistusgeeli on antibakteerinen, puhdistaa ihoa hellävaraisesti ja sopii siten jokapäiväiseen käyttöön. Tuote on ICEA sertifioitu, joka takaa, että se ei sisällä ihmisille tai ympäristölle vaarallisia aineita. Dermatologisesti testattu. Vegaani.

Kasvojen puhdistusemulsio-öljy, 150ml

Kasvojen puhdistusemulsio-öljy, 150ml

Price 16,40 €
Availability: 2 In Stock

Tulikukka on tehokas antioksidantti, jolla on hehkua antava vaikutus. Tuote puhdistaa kasvoilta meikin ihoa ravitsemalla ja hoitamalla. Tuote sisältää luomu argania-, avokado- ja seesamiöljyä, joka on tunnettu sen pehmentävien ominaisuuksien ansiosta. Iho on huomattavasti hoidetumpi, vaaleampi ja pehmeämpi.