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Iron for Children, Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Iron for Children, Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Price 14,45 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

Iron supports the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin and helps transport oxygen in the body. A child suffering from anemia or iron deficiency may be physically inactive, moody, have little appetite, and look pale. By using an iron food supplement, it is possible to provide extra energy, and support the child’s development and the activity of the immune system. Vitamin B12 is essential for the formation of red blood cells and vitamin B6 helps convert iron into hemoglobin. An organism that does not absorb iron well by nature will benefit the most from the consumption of a bioactive EDTA iron dietary supplement, which is absorbed 2-3 times better than conventional sources. Lactose, gluten and GMO free.

Immunity for Children, Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Immunity for Children, Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Price 19,05 €
Availability: 4 In Stock

Immunity spray vitamin is an ideal combination of vitamins to support the child’s immune system – zinc, vitamin C and black elderberry. Vitamin C helps reduce long-lasting viral infections and weakness characteristic of the cold season. Daily use of vitamin C spray makes the child’s body stronger and maintains resistance to diseases. Zinc is a mineral that contributes to a child’s cognitive function, vision and development and supports the development of normal bones, nails and skin. In addition, zinc helps keep the child’s body healthy and supports faster recovery from colds that tire the body. Black elderberry extract is a well-known traditional folk medicine that reduces inflammation and stress. Lactose, gluten and GMO free.

Availability: 7 In Stock

Although vitamin D is good for the body at any age, it is especially important for children. They have a growing body that requires a lot of vitamins and minerals for normal development. Vitamin D3 is necessary for bone growth in children, but it also plays a major role in strengthening the immune system. In this way, the viral diseases that plague the winter period are less likely to take hold and allow the child to do what is most important to them – grow and play! Try vitamin D3 spray for children, which is easy to use and is absorbed significantly more effective than capsules. Lactose, gluten and GMO free.

Vitamin D3 (4000IU) Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Price 20,00 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

Vitamin D3 is necessary for strong bones because it helps the body use calcium from food. Vitamin D3 becomes especially important in northern climates, where the limit of optimal vitamin D levels is below the norm for many people in cooler periods. However, in the case of a weak immune system, inflammations can occur more easily in a body exhausted from the stress and cold of the dark time. Prevent this with quick and easy-to-use vitamin D3 spray, which is also absorbed 3 times more effectively than vitamin tablets and capsules. Lactose, gluten and GMO free.

Vitamin B12 (1000mcg) Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Vitamin B12 (1000mcg) Oral Spray, 30ml / dietary supplement

Price 22,20 €
Availability: 1 In Stock

Vitamin B12 is primarily necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and psychological functions, the formation of red blood cells and the normal functioning of the immune system. By the way, vitamin B12 is one of the main characteristics in maintaining your best, vital, good-natured and energetic self. If you notice great fatigue, anxiety and physical muscle weakness, give your body extra strength with vitamin B12 spray. With a spray vitamin that is absorbed through the oral mucosa, you will feel the result 30% more effectively than with an injectable medicine. Lactose, gluten and GMO free.

B12-vitamiinitipat (500mcg), 10ml / ravintolisä

B12-vitamiinitipat (500mcg), 10ml / ravintolisä

Price 24,70 €
Availability: 6 In Stock

Hyvin imeytyvä metyylikobalamiini (B12-vitamiini) MecobalActive® on turvallisin B12-vitamiinin muoto imeväisikäisille, taaperoille, odottaville ja imettäville äideille, joten se sopii koko perheelle. B12-vitamiinin pitoisuus on laboratoriossa tarkistettu. Jokaisesta ostosta lahjoitetaan Kummit ry:lle 5 senttiä.

Availability: 4 In Stock

D-vitamiini edistää immuunijärjestelmän normaalia toimintaa, auttaa pitämään luita, hampaita ja lihasten toimintaa normaalina. Nõgelin D3-vitamiini on valmistettu luomuoliiviöljyn pohjalla. D-vitamiinin pitoisuus on laboratoriossa tarkistettu. Jokaisen tuotteen ostosta lahjoitetaan 5 senttiä Lastefond rahastolle.

D3-vitamiini tyrniöljyllä 4000 IU, 10ml / ravintolisä

Price 21,40 €
Availability: 16 In Stock

D-vitamiini edistää immuunijärjestelmän normaalia toimintaa, auttaa pitämään luita, hampaita ja lihasten toimintaa normaalina. Nôgelin D3-vitamiini on valmistettu luomuviljellystä virolaisesta tyrniöljystä. D-vitamiinin pitoisuus on laboratoriossa tarkistettu. Jokaisen tuotteen ostosta lahjoitamme Lastefond rahastolle 5 senttiä.

D3-vitamiini tipat (1000IU), 30ml / ravintolisä

D3-vitamiini tipat (1000IU), 30ml / ravintolisä

Price 12,10 €
Availability: 25 In Stock

D-vitamiini on tärkeä luiden ja hampaiden terveydelle. Jokainen tippa sisältää 25μg D3-vitamiinia, joka vastaa 1000IU.