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Agar-Agar, 6x2g
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Agar-Agar, 6x2g

Price 5,20 €
Availability: 34 In Stock

Agar-agar is made on the basis of seaweed. It is used in Japan as a plant-based and natural gelling agent and hence, is a great alternative to gelatine, which is derived from animal products. It can be diluted very easily and it has an absolutely neutral taste.

Ingredients: agar-agar from organic farming.

How to use: agar-agar can be used in jellies, jam, desserts, aspics, etc. The acidity in your dish impacts the gelling process: acid preparations need a bit more Agar-agar. Do not combine Agar-agar with chocolate or kiwi, as they will neutralise its gelling effect. For jam: 4g Agar-agar powder for 1kg of cleaned fruit or 1l of fruit juice. Bring the fruit and the Agar-agar to a boil and add the sweetener of your choice. Let it boil until it reaches the desired consistency.

Agar-Agar, 30g
  • New

Agar-Agar, 30g

Price 7,90 €
Availability: 13 In Stock

Agar-Agar is a vegetable gelling agent that is the perfect alternative to gelatin. Suitable for preparing all salty and sweet foods that require a gelling agent. 1 teaspoon (approx. 3.5g) corresponds to approximately 6 sheets of gelatin and gels 500ml of liquid. Gluten-free product.

Ingredients: agar-agar (E406) from organic farming.

Rye Sourdough Extract, 30g
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Rye Sourdough Extract, 30g

Price 3,20 €
Availability: 21 In Stock

This is the easy way to bring home fresh, home-baked bread. Just add yeast and flour and the rye sourdough extract is ready to bake. For the fine flavouring of home-baked bread.

Ingredients: whole grain rye ground products*, starter cultures.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of soymustardlupine and nuts.

Veg Egg Substitute, 500g
  • New

Veg Egg Substitute, 500g

Price 5,50 €
Availability: 58 In Stock

A high-protein, gluten-free, soy-based egg substitute. It is the perfect choice for vegans, vegetarians or those looking for a healthy and sustainable alternative to traditional eggs. A versatile alternative that is ready to use and is perfect for many different recipes - pancakes, waffles, cookies, cakes, as well as savory dishes.

Ingredients: spring water, soy* 12%, sunflower oil*, soy protein isolate*, carrot* and apple* concentrate, sea salt.

*from organic farming

May contain traces of nuts.

Shake well before use. After opening, keep in the refrigerator and consume within 5 days.

Cocoa Powder, 75g
  • −25%
1 Review(s)

Cocoa Powder, 75g

Regular price 3,95 € Price 2,96 €
Availability: 30 In Stock

Unsweetened cocoa powder with an intense and aromatic taste, ideal for preparing various desserts.

Ingredients: cocoa*°, acidity regulator: potassium carbonate.

*from organic farming

°Fair Trade

Leivinjauhe, gluteeniton
  • −25%

Leivinjauhe, gluteeniton, 3x18g

Regular price 2,90 € Price 2,17 €
Availability: 31 In Stock

Gluten free instant baking powder. One sachet (18g) is for 500g of flour.

Ingredients: corn starch*, raising agents  [monopotassium tartrate E336 (i), sodium bicarbonate E500 (ii)].


Gluteeniton maissitärkkelys, 250g
  • −46%

Gluteeniton maissitärkkelys, 250g

Regular price 2,80 € Price 1,52 €
Availability: 18 In Stock

Rekisteröity Saksan Keliakialiitossa.

ntaa jälkiruoille muotoa ja sitoo kastikkeita sekä keittoja. 

Ainesosat: luomuviljelty maissitärkkelys.

  • −51%
1 Review(s)

Sooda, 500g

Regular price 3,60 € Price 1,78 €
Availability: 108 In Stock

Sooda soveltuu käytettäväksi nostatusaineena, hedelmien pesuun, sekä astioiden ja lasin kirkastajana. Sopii kotitaloudessa myös pahojen hajujen poistamiseksi, mattojen puhdistukseen ja pesuaineen tehokkuuden suurentamiseen.

Saadaksesi virkistävän ja pehmentävän kylvyn, lisää soodaa haaleaan kylpyveteen. Voit myös tehdä soodalla jalkakylvyn väsyneille jaloille. Epämiellyttävän hajuisesta hengityksestä pääset eroon huuhtelemalla suusi soodavedellä - ½tl soodaa per lasillinen vettä.

Valmistettu Italiassa.

  • −49%

Guarkumi, 10g

Regular price 2,40 € Price 1,22 €
Availability: 348 In Stock

Guarkumiksi kutsutaan Intiassa ja Pakistanissa kasvavaa taimea, jonka siemenistä jauhetulla jauheella on sakeuttava ominaisuus. Sen ansiosta guarkumia käytetään sekä kosmetiikassa että elintarviketeollisuudessa. Guarkumilla pystyy sakeuttamaan jälkiruokia ja kastikkeita ja se auttaa gluteenittomilla kekseillä pysyä kiinni. Gluteeniton.