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Alennushinnat koskevat vain sisäänkirjautuneita kanta-asiakkaita!
There are 10 products.
This anti-wrinkle formula is vital for helping to correct sun damage and provide an anti- ageing treatment for your skin – and it delivers fast results. The combination of pure Australian Emu Oil and natural Vitamin C & E, which are the major ingredients in this anti-wrinkle oil, help to combat sun damage on the face, neck, hands or any area of the body. Extensive research into the effects of combined use of pure Australian Emu Oil and Vitamin C & E, along with rose geranium, lemongrass and sandalwood essential oils will benefit in the protection of the skin from ageing. Our Omega 3 6 9 Australian Emu Oil is the highest quality and most biologically active pharmaceutical grade 100% pure oil on the market anywhere in the world. All processing is done in Australia.
Thanks to the glycerine, vitamin E and Shea butter it contains, Biocontè hand cream helps keep the skin soft, supple and nourished, combating dryness and chapping. The formula also contains chamomile hydrolate, known for its soothing and emollient properties. Dermatologically tested on sensitive skins.
Kollageeni on tavallisin proteiini elimistössä. Sitä löytyy lähes kaikista kudoksista, erityisesti ihosta, kynsistä, hiuksista, luista ja rustosta. 20 vuoden iän jälkeen kollageenin synteesi hidastuu, joka johtaa ihon löystymiseen, ryppyjen ensimmäiseen esiintymiseen, hiusten ja kynsien heikontumiseen, sekä nivelten liikkuvuuden vähentymiseen.
Flora Balance Active contains 3 different strains of live lactic ferments: Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14, Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115; it also contains Fibruline® (chicory inulin), a fiber which together with lactic ferments promotes the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora.
It is indicated for balancing the intestinal bacterial flora even in the presence of antibiotic-induced traveller's diarrhea due to nutritional imbalances and diarrhea in children.
Anxiety, agitation, negative thoughts and stress negatively affect the quality of life. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is the specific solution to naturally combat anxiety disorders and restore calm and mental well-being. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is a dietary supplement in tablets, which does not create habit even in case of prolonged uptake. It contains L-Theanine, a characteristic substance of Tea leaves, and extract of Magnolia bark, rich in Honokiol. The formulation is completed by Melissa extract and Mandarin essential oil, useful compounds to promote relaxation and mental well-being in case of stress. Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
There are 7 different flavors to choose from - classic, raspberry, orange, mint, vanilla, blackcurrant and cocoa.
When ordering a lip balm, please write to the comment field in the shopping cart, which of the six different lip balms you would like to receive. If possible, we will send you the preferred flavor, but we may not always have all the flavors in stock.
Suitable for vegans.
Hedelmäinen ja raikas, pieni valkoinen luomu jogurtilla suklaa. Suklaa on pakattu ympäristöystävälliseen Natureflex muoviin, joka koostuu 90-94% uusiutuivista raaka-aineista (selluloosa). Se vastaa EL standardille EN 13432 biohajoava ja kompostoitava.
Ainesosat: kaakaovoi ° *, raakaruokosokeri ° *, rasvaton maitojauhe *, rasvaton jogurttijauhe * 8%, kermajauhe *, makea herajauhe *, mansikan palat * 3,5%. Kaakaon pitoisuus on vähintään 32%.
°reilu kauppa/ Fair Trade
Saattaa sisältää pähkinöiden ja gluteenin jäämiä.
Appelsiinimakuinen hammastahna. Koostumuksessa käytetty liitu on muodostunut miljoonien vuosien aikana. Merenpohjasta kaivauksen jälkeen liitu jauhetaan. Siitä tulee hammastahnan luonnollinen vaaleaharmaa sävy. Sisältää runsaasti aloe vera uutetta, joka suojaa ja hoitaa ikeniä ja puhdistavaa mirhamiä.