Kielen alle laitettavat tabletit liukenevat suussa ja imeytyvät nopeasti.
List of products by brand Bios Line Principium
There are 29 products.
Flora Balance Active contains 3 different strains of live lactic ferments: Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14, Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115; it also contains Fibruline® (chicory inulin), a fiber which together with lactic ferments promotes the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora.
It is indicated for balancing the intestinal bacterial flora even in the presence of antibiotic-induced traveller's diarrhea due to nutritional imbalances and diarrhea in children.
Probiotics "Flora Balance Fast", 10 sachets / dietary supplement
Thanks to the presence of the three strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum and Saccharomyces boulardii and their high concentration (16 billion live cells per daily dose - 2 sachets), Flora Balance Fast promotes the balance of the intestinal flora even in the presence of diarrhea and intestinal disorders.
It promotes the balance of the intestinal bacterial flora even during and after the use of antibiotics or in the presence of eating and intestinal disorders (traveler's diarrhea and children's diarrhea). As a supplement for elderly, debilitated or people with reduced organic defenses, who cannot tolerate changes in eating habits.
Vitacalm Ansistop ACT is a food supplement in sublingual spray form. Thanks to its ingredients, the product is useful to restore calm in situations where psychological stress is likely to alter emotionality and generate worry, agitation, and negative thoughts. VitaCalm ANSISTOP ACT contains SimbiΩGABA®, a patented complex based on Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) and Melissa extract, useful to promote relaxation and mental well-being in case of stress. Magnolia bark extract and sweet orange essential oil complete the formula.
This practical sublingual spray allows a rapid absorption of all the active ingredients contained in the formulation. Gluten and lactose free.
States of tension, poor posture or traumas can cause unpleasant and painful localized muscle stiffness. Tensiolen contains Magnesium Bisglycinate that promotes the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscle function, and gum resin from Boswellia titrated in Boswellic Acids, which are useful to counteract localized stiffness. The formulation is completed by Cloves extract titrated in Beta-Caryophyllene, with antioxidant action.
VitaCalm® Buonrelax is a food supplement based on titrated and standardized plant extracts of Passiflora, Lemon balm, Linden and Valerian: plants from the herbal tradition known for their ability to promote relaxation. Taken during the day, VitaCalm® Buonrelax helps relieve tensions and stress and promotes relaxation in adults, elderly people and children over 3 years of age. At night, before going to bed, VitaCalm® Buonrelax can be added to water or another liquid and can be used to promote good sleep. Gluten and lactose free.
Magnesium from 4 different sources: pidolate, carbonate, citrate and marine (extracted from sea water with an evaporation process). Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. The formulation is completed by Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), a short-chain prebiotic fibre. Gluten and lactose free.
Lozenges for the Throat "Sedigola Junior", 20pcs / dietary supplement
Apix® Sedigola Pastiglie Junior combines the well-known properties of Propolis with those of Hedge mustard, with emollient and soothing effect on the oropharyngeal mucosa helping against hoarseness, and those of Agrimony, which promotes throat’s well-being. The product is completed by Vitamin C, useful for the immune system. Sweet Wildflower Honey and a pleasant Strawberry taste make it suitable also for kids. Gluten free. Lactose free.
Immulene Junior is a dietary supplement made from Echinacea purpurea juice, CistoVir® and Elderberry juice. It is appreciated by children thanks to its very pleasant taste. CistoVir®, extract of Cistus titrated with 20% in Polyphenols, useful to help the respiratory system; Echinacea purpurea juice, obtained from the fresh plant, and the Elderberry fruit juice support the natural defences and the respiratory functions. Gluten free. Lactose free.
B Forte is a dietary supplement containing group B vitamins, PABA, Inositol. Its particular high dosage formulation is useful for general wellbeing in situations when it is most needed. B Vitamins promote energy metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system. They are contained in some particular animal foods, therefore vegans and vegetarians are often deficient in such group of vitamins. Furthermore, their supplementation is recommended after antibiotic treatments. Gluten free. Lactose free.
A prolonged use of devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones can lead to eye strain. Irivist® PROTECT promotes the well-being of sight thanks to its formula based on XanMax®, a particular patented extract from Tagete titrated in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that can be found in the macula of the eye, which has an antioxidant action. The formulation is completed by black Blueberry extract titrated in antocianosides, useful for the functioning of microcirculation, and Vitamin A, which helps normal eye function.
Aloe vera has always been known for its many properties and its beneficial effects on the body. Thanks to the mucilages it is rich in, the pulp has an emollient and soothing action on the mucosa of the digestive system and supports the digestive function. Furthermore, it is useful for the liver function by contributing to the body purifying functions. This is a pure product, it contains not rehydrated and undiluted Aloe fillet juice and pulp. The cold working of the leaves, within a few hours from harvesting, and the absence of high temperature processes guarantee a high quality product with a high concentration of plant ingredients. In addition, aloe manual processing allows eliminating the external tip and cuticle, rich in aloin and irritant anthraquinone derivatives.
Runsaasti C-vitamiinia sisältävä ravintolisä, joka auttaa immuunijärjestelmää toimimaan normaalisti ja suojaa soluja oksidatiiviselta stressiltä. Innovatiivinen kolmivaiheinen aineen kehoon vapauttamis -tekniikka varmistaa, että kehoosi imeytyy C-vitamiinia koko päivän ajan.
Ravintolisä, joka sisältää erilaisia B-ryhmän vitamiineja. B-vitamiini on tärkeä elimistön toiminnalle ja hermojärjestelmän tukemiseen. B-vitamiinia löytyy tietyistä eläinperäisistä ruuista, minka johdosta vegaanit ja kasvissyöjät voivat usein kärsiä puutoksesta. B-vitamiinia suositellaan myös antibiottihoidon jälkeen.
Magnesium Complete is a food supplement containing four forms of magnesium. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Sweetened with stevia.
Ingredients: acidifier: citric acid; magnesium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid, fructo-oligosaccharides (2%), citrus flavoring, magnesium citrate, magnesium of marine origin (oxide, hydroxide, sulfate, carbonate, chloride), magnesium pidolate, sweetener: stevia steviol glycoside, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide, stabilizer: sucrose esters of fatty acids, cholecalciferol.
Flufast Urto® combines the well-known properties of Propolis with a high galangin content with the anti-oxidant properties of grapefruit seeds, rich in bioflavonoids. Gluten and lactose free.
Ingredients: CISTOVIR® - Cistus (Cistus incanus L.) extract titrated to 20% polyphenols, bulking agents: cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, cross-linked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose; propolis extract titrated to 12% polyphenols, in the form of galangin; grapefruit seed (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) extract titrated to 45% bioflavonoids, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid, stabilizer: ethyl cellulose), anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide; coating agents: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, talc, polyethylene glycol; zinc gluconate.
Magnesium Complete is a food supplement containing four forms of magnesium. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Sweetened with stevia.
Ingredients: acidifier: citric acid; magnesium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid, fructo-oligosaccharides (2%), citrus flavoring, magnesium citrate, magnesium of marine origin (oxide, hydroxide, sulfate, carbonate, chloride), magnesium pidolate, sweetener: stevia steviol glycoside, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide, stabilizer: sucrose esters of fatty acids, cholecalciferol.
Ravintolisä propoliksen, greippisiementen, C-vitamiinin, sinkin ja B-vitamiinien kompleksilla. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon.
Ainesosat: happamuuden säätöaineet: sitruunahappo, kaliumvetykarbonaatti, C-vitamiini (L-askorbiinihappo), tuoksu- ja makuaine, maltodekstriini, makeutusaineet: sorbitooli, sukraloosi; sinkkiglukonaatti; propoliksen (Propolis) kuivauute, greippisiemenen (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) kuivauute, väriaineet: punajuuri, beetakaroteeni; B3-vitamiini (nikotiiniamidi), B2-vitamiini (riboflaviini), pantoteenihappo (kalsium-D-pantotenaatti), B6-vitamiini (pyridoksiinivetykloridi).
Aminasten HMB 400 offers a high daily intake of all essential Amino acids, in their optimal ratio, useful in case of an increased protein need due to, for example, poor nutrition or intense physical and sports activities. The formulation is completed by β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB), a Leucine derivative, and vitamins B1 and B6, which help reduce tiredness and fatigue. Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
Ingredients: fructose, Acerola (Malpighia punicifolia L.) fruits dry extract, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose; anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide; Sweet Orange (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis hayne) fruits dry extract titrated 60% in bioflavonoids expressed as hesperidin, black cherry aroma.
Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
BetaSun® Bronze voi auttaa pitkäkestoisen auringossa olekelun aikana vapaiden radikaalien muodostusta ja fotovanhenemista vastaan. Sen lisäksi koostumus on täydennetty violetti-porkkanamehulla ja iholle hyödyllisillä ja kollageenin muodostusta edistävillä aminohapoilla ja beetakaroteenilla. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon. Sopii vegaaneille.
Vaikuttaa suuontelun limakalvoja pehmentävästi. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon.
Ainesosat: maissiöljy, makeutusaineet: ksylitoli ja stevioglykosidit; resistenttiaine: glyseroli, elintarvikegelatiini, propoliksen (Propolis) kuivauute, sakeuttaja: akaasia; lakritsan makuaine, maissitärkkelys, lakritsajuuren (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) kuivauute, sakeuttaja: mehiläisvaha; mintun (Mentha piperita L.) eteerinen öljyi, aniksen (Pimpinella anisu L.) eteerinen öljy, greippisiemenen (Citrus paradisi Macfad) kuivauute, rohtopernaruohon (Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop.) kukkien kuivauute, emulgaattori: soijalesitiini, valkoisen timjamin (Thymus vulgaris L.) eteerinen öljy, sinkkiglukonaatti, väriaine: rautaoksidi.
Saattaa sisältää rikkidioksidin ja sulfiittien jäämiä.
Anxiety, agitation, negative thoughts and stress negatively affect the quality of life. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is the specific solution to naturally combat anxiety disorders and restore calm and mental well-being. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is a dietary supplement in tablets, which does not create habit even in case of prolonged uptake. It contains L-Theanine, a characteristic substance of Tea leaves, and extract of Magnolia bark, rich in Honokiol. The formulation is completed by Melissa extract and Mandarin essential oil, useful compounds to promote relaxation and mental well-being in case of stress. Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
VitaCalm Propositiv contains Safralyin, Saffron stigma powder, useful for promoting normal mood, and Bacopa extract, a plant that grows in India and in tropical areas, useful for mental well-being. Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
Runsaasti C-vitamiinia sisältävä ravintolisä, joka auttaa immuunijärjestelmää toimimaan normaalisti ja suojaa soluja oksidatiiviselta stressiltä. Innovatiivinen kolmivaiheinen aineen kehoon vapauttamis -tekniikka varmistaa, että kehoosi imeytyy C-vitamiinia koko päivän ajan.