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Liquid Vitamin B Complex, 130ml / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
15,15 €
B Forte is a dietary supplement containing group B vitamins, PABA, Inositol. Its particular high dosage formulation is useful for general wellbeing in situations when it is most needed. B Vitamins promote energy metabolism and the proper functioning of the nervous system. They are contained in some particular animal foods, therefore vegans and vegetarians...
Price for customer: 14,39 €
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Lozenges for the Throat "Sedigola Junior", 20pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
10,60 €
Apix® Sedigola Pastiglie Junior combines the well-known properties of Propolis with those of Hedge mustard, with emollient and soothing effect on the oropharyngeal mucosa helping against hoarseness, and those of Agrimony, which promotes throat’s well-being. The product is completed by Vitamin C, useful for the immune system. Sweet Wildflower Honey and a...
Price for customer: 10,07 €
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Multivitamin for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding, 40 tablets / dietary...

Bios Line Principium
14,90 €
Food supplement with folic acid, 14 vitamins, 10 minerals and plant extracts (carrot, spinach, spirulina). Its consumption is recommended for nutritional support before pregnancy, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.
Price for customer: 14,15 €
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Complex for Eyes "Irivist Protect", 30 capsules / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
21,50 €
A prolonged use of devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones can lead to eye strain. Irivist® PROTECT promotes the well-being of sight thanks to its formula based on XanMax®, a particular patented extract from Tagete titrated in Lutein and Zeaxanthin, two carotenoids that can be found in the macula of the eye, which has an antioxidant action. The...
Price for customer: 20,43 €
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Immune-supporting Syrup for Children, 200ml / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
19,85 €
Immulene Junior is a dietary supplement made from Echinacea purpurea juice, CistoVir® and Elderberry juice. It is appreciated by children thanks to its very pleasant taste. CistoVir®, extract of Cistus titrated with 20% in Polyphenols, useful to help the respiratory system; Echinacea purpurea juice, obtained from the fresh plant, and the Elderberry fruit...
Price for customer: 18,86 €
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Immune-boosting Tablets "Flufast", 12pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
11,90 €
Flufast Urto® combines the well-known properties of Propolis with a high galangin content with the anti-oxidant properties of grapefruit seeds, rich in bioflavonoids. Gluten and lactose free. Ingredients: CISTOVIR® - Cistus (Cistus incanus L.) extract titrated to 20% polyphenols, bulking agents: cellulose, dicalcium phosphate, cross-linked sodium...
Price for customer: 11,31 €
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Immune-boosting Drinking Powder "Flufast", 20pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
14,90 €
Ravintolisä propoliksen, greippisiementen, C-vitamiinin, sinkin ja B-vitamiinien kompleksilla. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon. Ainesosat: happamuuden säätöaineet: sitruunahappo, kaliumvetykarbonaatti, C-vitamiini (L-askorbiinihappo), tuoksu- ja makuaine, maltodekstriini, makeutusaineet: sorbitooli, sukraloosi; sinkkiglukonaatti; propoliksen (Propolis)...
Price for customer: 14,15 €
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Amino Acid Complex "Aminasten HMB 400", 30x6g / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
29,25 €
Aminasten HMB 400 offers a high daily intake of all essential Amino acids, in their optimal ratio, useful in case of an increased protein need due to, for example, poor nutrition or intense physical and sports activities. The formulation is completed by β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB), a Leucine derivative, and vitamins B1 and B6, which help reduce...
Price for customer: 27,79 €
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Pure Aloe Vera, 1000ml / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
26,35 €
Aloe vera has always been known for its many properties and its beneficial effects on the body. Thanks to the mucilages it is rich in, the pulp has an emollient and soothing action on the mucosa of the digestive system and supports the digestive function. Furthermore, it is useful for the liver function by contributing to the body purifying functions....
Price for customer: 25,03 €
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Magnesium Complete, 200g / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
24,30 €
Magnesium Complete is a food supplement containing four forms of magnesium. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Sweetened with stevia. Ingredients: acidifier: citric acid; magnesium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid, fructo-oligosaccharides (2%), citrus flavoring,...
Price for customer: 23,08 €
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Rauta tre-tard (30mg) foolihappo ja B12-vitamiini, 30 tablettia /...

Bios Line Principium
23,30 €
Korkean rautapitoisuuden kapselit yhdessä B-12- ja C-vitamiinin kanssa. Kapselit ovat gastroresistentteja ja niiltä puuttuu raudalle ominainen maku, hyvin siedettäviä mahalle. Innovatiivinen kolmekerroksinen vapautumisen teknologia mahdollistaa raudan imeytymisen koko päivän ajan. 
Price for customer: 22,14 €
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C-vitamiinin tre-tard (1000mg), 60 tablettia / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
32,45 €
Runsaasti C-vitamiinia sisältävä ravintolisä, joka auttaa immuunijärjestelmää toimimaan normaalisti ja suojaa soluja oksidatiiviselta stressiltä. Innovatiivinen kolmivaiheinen aineen kehoon vapauttamis -tekniikka varmistaa, että kehoosi imeytyy C-vitamiinia koko päivän ajan.
Price for customer: 30,83 €
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B12-vitamiini (1000mcg), kielen alle laitettavat tabletit, 60kpl /...

Bios Line Principium
20,25 €
Kielen alle laitettavat tabletit liukenevat suussa ja imeytyvät nopeasti.
Price for customer: 19,24 €
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Magnesium Complete, 32 x 2,5g / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
17,95 €
Magnesium Complete is a food supplement containing four forms of magnesium. Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles and helps to reduce fatigue and tiredness. Sweetened with stevia. Ingredients: acidifier: citric acid; magnesium carbonate, antioxidant: ascorbic acid, fructo-oligosaccharides (2%), citrus flavoring,...
Price for customer: 17,05 €
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C-vitamiinin tre-tard (1000mg), 24 tablettia / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
16,20 €
Runsaasti C-vitamiinia sisältävä ravintolisä, joka auttaa immuunijärjestelmää toimimaan normaalisti ja suojaa soluja oksidatiiviselta stressiltä. Innovatiivinen kolmivaiheinen aineen kehoon vapauttamis -tekniikka varmistaa, että kehoosi imeytyy C-vitamiinia koko päivän ajan.
Price for customer: 15,39 €
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Chewable Tablets for Immunity, Acerola-Orange, 60pcs / dietary...

Bios Line Principium
21,25 €
Ingredients: fructose, Acerola (Malpighia punicifolia L.) fruits dry extract, bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose; anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, silicon dioxide; Sweet Orange (Citrus aurantium var. dulcis hayne) fruits dry extract titrated 60% in bioflavonoids expressed as hesperidin, black cherry aroma. Gluten and lactose...
Price for customer: 20,19 €
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B-vitamiinikompleksi, 60 kapselia/ ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
20,25 €
Ravintolisä, joka sisältää erilaisia B-ryhmän vitamiineja. B-vitamiini on tärkeä elimistön toiminnalle ja hermojärjestelmän tukemiseen. B-vitamiinia löytyy tietyistä eläinperäisistä ruuista, minka johdosta vegaanit ja kasvissyöjät voivat usein kärsiä puutoksesta. B-vitamiinia suositellaan myös antibiottihoidon jälkeen.
Price for customer: 19,24 €
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Omega-3 kalaöljykapselit, 90 kpl / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
30,40 €
Omega-3 sisältää tärkeitä monityydyttömättömiä rasvahappoja, jotka edistävät sydämen-ja verisuonten terveyttä, aivojen toimintaa ja auttavat ylläpitää normaalia näköä. Quality Silver® patentoitu vakaus yhdessä luonnollisen E-vitamiinin ja rosmariiniuutteen kanssa välttävät monityydyttömättömien rasvahappojen oksidaation muuttamalla ne ajan kuluttua...
Price for customer: 28,88 €
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Pureskeluhelmet kurkulle "Sedigola", 30kpl / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
13,20 €
Vaikuttaa suuontelun limakalvoja pehmentävästi. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon. Ainesosat: maissiöljy, makeutusaineet: ksylitoli ja stevioglykosidit; resistenttiaine: glyseroli, elintarvikegelatiini, propoliksen (Propolis) kuivauute, sakeuttaja: akaasia; lakritsan makuaine, maissitärkkelys, lakritsajuuren (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) kuivauute, sakeuttaja:...
Price for customer: 12,54 €
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Vitacalm “Propositiv” Tablets, 30pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
16,80 €
VitaCalm Propositiv contains Safralyin, Saffron stigma powder, useful for promoting normal mood, and Bacopa extract, a plant that grows in India and in tropical areas, useful for mental well-being. Gluten and lactose free. Suitable for vegans.
Price for customer: 15,96 €
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Vitacalm “Ansistop” Tablets, 60pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
18,75 €
Anxiety, agitation, negative thoughts and stress negatively affect the quality of life. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is the specific solution to naturally combat anxiety disorders and restore calm and mental well-being. VitaCalm® Ansistop® is a dietary supplement in tablets, which does not create habit even in case of prolonged uptake. It contains L-Theanine, a...
Price for customer: 17,81 €
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Melatonin (1mg) Sublingual Tablets, 60pcs / dietary supplement

Bios Line Principium
12,95 €
VitaCalm Sublingual Melatonin is a Melatonin and Melissa essential oil supplement. Further to combating the effects of jet lag, Melatonin helps to reduce the time required to fall asleep when taken shortly before going to bed. Melissa essential oil promotes relaxation, while Lemon essential oil gives a pleasant citrus-like flavour. Gluten and lactose...
Price for customer: 12,30 €
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Rusketusta edistävät tabletit "BetaSun Bronze", 60kpl / ravintolisä

Bios Line Principium
21,90 €
BetaSun® Bronze voi auttaa pitkäkestoisen auringossa olekelun aikana vapaiden radikaalien muodostusta ja fotovanhenemista vastaan. Sen lisäksi koostumus on täydennetty violetti-porkkanamehulla ja iholle hyödyllisillä ja kollageenin muodostusta edistävillä aminohapoilla ja beetakaroteenilla. Gluteeniton ja laktoositon. Sopii vegaaneille.
Price for customer: 20,80 €
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